Dr. Asher Pardo (Ph.D)
lecturer, Environmental Quality Sciences program
Dr. Asher Pardo (Ph.D)
Dr. Pardo has specialized in occupational hygiene since 1975 after acquiring a B.Sc in Chemistry and M.Sc in Environmental Sciences from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He received his PhD from the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Tel Aviv University. His main expertise is in the field of occupational exposure to chemical hazards, their recognition, evaluation and monitoring, and their control.
Dr. Pardo was employed for 29 years at the National Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health (founded by Tel Aviv University and the General Health Services of the General Federation of Labor in Israel) where he was appointed head of the department of occupational hygiene and engaged in research, professional training and academic teaching, service and consultation to workplaces. He is the head of the occupational hygiene program and a lecturer and thesis advisor in the M.Occ.H program at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Tel Aviv University. As of 2005, Dr. Pardo is employed at the Institute of Safety and Hygiene where he is the Head of the Research Department. He has published articles in the scientific literature and a professional book on occupational hygiene (Hebrew), and contributed to the book "Occupational Health in Aviation" (Academic Press). Dr. Pardo is a member of regulatory and public committees having occupational exposure and protection of workers and the public as their agenda.
Peer reviewed papers
Stark M., Lerman Y., Kapel A., Pardo A., Schwarz, Y., Newman, L., Maier, L., Fireman, E. (2014). Biological metrics of exposure of beryllium-exposed dental technicians. Arch. Env. Occ. Health. 69(2):89-99.
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Fireman E., Lerman Y., Stark M., Pardo A., Schwarz, Y., Van Dyke MV., Elliot J., Barkes B., Newman L., Maier L. (2014). A novel alternative to environmental monitoring to detect workers at risk for beryllium exposure related health effects. J. Occ. Env. Hyg. 11:809-818.
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Israeli E., Pardo A. (2011). The sick building syndrome as a part of the
autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants. Modern Rheumatology. 21(3):235-239.
Froom p., Almog S., Pardo A. (2008). Is cancer in Israeli professional divers exposed to polluted waters an occupational disease? Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 14:807-818.
Pardo A., Nevo K., Vigiser D., Lazarov A. (2007). The Effect of Physical and Chemical Properties of Swimming Pool Water and Its Close Environment on the Development of Contact Dermatitis in Hydrotherapusts. Am. J. Ind. Med. 50:122-126.
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Lazarov A., Nevo K., Pardo A., Froom P. (2005). Self-reported skin disease in hydrotherapists working in swimming pools. Contact Dermatitis, 53; 327-331.
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Ratzon NZ., Ornoy A., Pardo A., Margolin R., Hatch M. (2004). Developmental evaluation of children born to mothers occupationally exposed to waste anesthetic gases. Birth Defects Res. A. Clin. Mol. Teratol., 70:478-82.
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Peretz H., Froom P., Pardo A., Goren A. (2000). Exposure to benzene in fuel distribution installations: monitoring and prevention. Arch. Environ. Health 55:439-446.
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Kristal-Boneh E., Froom P., Yerushalmi N., Askanazi R., Pardo A., Shine R., Ribak J (1998). Effect of diatery calcium on blood lead concentration in occupationally exposed and nonexposed workers. Ame. J. Indust. Med. 34:512-516.
Pardo A., Shiri Y., Cohen S. (1992). Kinetics of transdermal penetration of an organic ion pair: the case of physostigmine salicylate. J. Pharm. Sci. 81:990-995 .
Pardo A., Shiri Y., Cohen S., (1991). Partial molal volumes and solubilities of physostigmine in isopropanol: isopropyl mysristate solvents in relation to skin penetrability. J. Pharm Sci. 80: 567-572.
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Pardo A., Shiri Y., Cohen S. (1990), Percutaneous absorption of Physosigmine: Optimization of delivery from a binary solvent by thermodynamic control. J. Pharm. Sci. 79: 573-578.
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Gitter S., Pardo A., Kariv N., Yinon U. (1988). Enhanced electroretinogram in cats induced by exposure to mercury acetate. Tosicology 51:67-76.
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Pardo A., (1986). Threshold limit values for occupational hygiene, Report on Scientific Conference. Harefuah, Vol. 110, No. 10, 1986 (Hebrew).
Braier L., Levy A., Dror K., Pardo A. (1981). Benzene in blood and phenol in urine in mionitoring bezene exposure in industry. Am. J. Ind. Med. 2:119-123.
Dror K., Lemesh C., Pardo A., (1981). Occupational exposure of users of DBCP (di-bromo-chloro-propane) as a nematocide in banana plantations in Israel. J. Inter. Assoc. Agricul. Med. Rural Health 6: 11-18.
Pardo, A., “Occupational Hygiene" - Chemical Hazards in Industry, Part B, Vol. 1, Institue for Safety and Health, Tel Aviv, 1983 (Hebrew).
Pardo, A., “Occupational Hygiene" - Chemical Hazards in Industry, Part B, Vol. 2, Institute for Safety and Hygiene, Tel Aviv, 1984 (Hebrew).
Chapters in books
1. Pardo, A.
a. Overview of Occupational Hygiene
b. Walk-through Survey of Airport Maintenance and Support Facilities.
In: Occupational Health in Aviation: Maintenance and Support Personnel.
Raymond R., Ribak, J. Eds., Academic Press, 1995.