Chen Bram (Ph.D)

Chen Bram (Ph.D)

Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

Chen Bram is an anthropologist and educationalist, with additional training in organizational studies, sociology and comparative religion.. He is a research fellow at the Truman Institute, Hebrew Universitym, and a senior lecturere at the department for behavioral science at Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem.

His work focuses on: inter-group relations, ethnicity and religion; Diaspora and immigration
His research relates to the Caucasus and Central Asia, Israeli Society, and minorities in the Middle East; and holocaust and Genocide studies in the context of the Caucasus. He also wrote about current manifestations of Sufism in Israel and in the west.

Combining his academic interests with practical applications, he previously worked as an engaged and applied anthropologist. These years of experience of applying academic knowledge outside academy was later the inspiration to initiate the research group “Anthropological knowledge: relevance, use and potential” at the Van Leer Institute. Bram served as the academic manager of this group.

Bram served as a Visiting Professor at the University of Florida; at James Madison College of Public Affairs, MSU; and at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Grnocide Srudies, at Clark University. He was was a research fellow at the International Research Institute at Yad Vashem. Recently he was a visiting researcher at the Katz institute for Advanced Jewish Studies, the University of Pensylvanya (Philadelphia).

Bram also has many years of experience in leading cultural and geographical tours and expeditions in different parts of Asia and in Israel.

Ethnicity and inter-group relations; Religion and collective identity; Diaspora and immigration; Multiculturalism and multicultual policy; Genocide Studies; Sufism and Spirutuality; Applied and Engage Anthropology.

Research focus mainly on Israeli Society, the Caucasus and Central Asia, minorities in the Middle East.

Research projects on Jewish - Muslim relations in Central Eurasia and in Israel; Holocaust and Genocide studies in the context of the Caucasus; and on current manifestations of Sufism in Israel and in the west; Yout in migration.

List of Publications

PhD Dissertation

Bram C., Ethnic Categorization viewed from the margins: Caucasus Jews between Europe and Asia. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 2008.


Authored monographs and books

Bram C., “Immigration and Culture: Youth from the Caucasus Between Labeling and Dialogue”. Tel Aviv: Mofet. 150 pp. (accepted for publication). (Hebrew).

Bram C., 2006. The Jews of Daghestan: Collective Identity and Community survival. Rapport Center Publications no.14, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan,130 pp. (Hebrew)

Bram, C. 1999. “From the Caucasus to Israel: The Immigration of the Mountain Jews- Anthropological Perspective” Jerusalem: JDC-Brookdale Institute, 70pp. (Hebrew)

Editorship of collective volumes

Hareven, A., Bram C. (eds.) 2000. Human Dignity or Humiliation? The Tension of Human Dignity in Israel, Jerusalem: Van-Leer Institute and Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishing House (Hebrew).

Chapters in refereed collective volumes

Bram C., “Jews of Azerbaijan”, in: “Jews Elsewhere”, edited by Edith Bruder and Julien Darmon, Paris: Albin Michel (forthcoming).

Bram C., Ro’i Y. “Preserving Jewish Identity under Soviet Rule: Religion among the Georgian, Mountain and Bukharan Jews”. In: ‘Georgian, Caucasus and Bukharan Jews’, ed. M. Butskhrikidze et al., Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University (forthcoming).

Bram C., 2018. “Sufism as a meeting point between Jews and Muslims and between Judaism and Islam”, in: Muslims in Israel, Religion, Politics, Society. M. Hatina and M. Al-Atawneh (eds.), Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuhad (Hebrew). Pp. 345-364.

Bram C., 2018. “The Integration of Caucasus Jews in Israel: Social and Cultural Aspects”. In: ““History and Culture of Mountain Jews”, ed. by Z. Nazarova, Moscow: International Congress of Mountain Jews. (Russian).. Pp. 57-587.

Bram C., 2018. Caucasus Jews in Azerbaijan in the post-Soviet period. In: “History and Culture of Mountain Jews”, ed. by Z. Nazarova, Moscow: International Congress of Mountain Jews. (Russian).. Pp. 588-607.

Bram C. 2017. “Local Identities among the Bukharan Jewish Communities in Central Asia”, in: “Bukhara" - Jewish communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, ed. Zeev Levin. Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute (Hebrew).

Accessibility to Social Services and Social Control” in: Multiculturalism and Public Policy, ed. by G. Ben Porat, Y. Yona and B. Bashir. Jerusalem: Van-Leer Publishing and Hakibutz Hameuhad . Pp. 265-306.

Bram C. 2016. Bridging Messianic Christianity and Liberal Judaism, A Journey of an American Convert. In: "Becoming Jewish: New Jews and Emerging Jewish Communities in a Globalized World". Eds. by T. Parfitt and N. Fisher. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [A different version of this article appeared also in Italian:

"Constructing a Bridge over the Chasm between Judaism and Christianity", Messianic Churches, Liberal Judaism and Conversion – an American Case Study. In: Arrivi, avvicinamenti, ritorni: le conversioni all'ebraismo contemporaneo, a cura di Emanuela Trevisan Semi. Roma: Bonanno].

Bram C., Amor Meir. 2015. "Mizrahim", Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 4, ed. by Dan Diner, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler (German) (forthcoming).

Bram C. 2014. “Circassians in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Case of Adyghe in Israel”. In: Geçmişten geleceğe. Çerkesler. Kültür, Kimlik ve Siyaset. Ankara: Kafkas Araştırma Kültür ve Dayanışma Vakfı. Pp. 407-417 (Turkish).

Bram C. 2012. “Cultural Identity and inter-cultural creativity among Caucasus Jews” in: Piyyut (Jewish Liturgical Poetry): A Window for Reconstructing Cultures, H. Pedaya (ed.), Jerusalem: The Van-Leer Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuhad. (Hebrew)

Bram C. 2011. “East European Karaites in Israel: a pilot study” in: East European Karaites, Dan Shapira (eds.), The Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

Bram C. 2010. “Visibility Processes, Visibility Agents, and Social Categorization” in: Visibility in immigration: Body, Gaze, Representation, E. Lomski-Feder and T. Rapoport (eds.) Jerusalem: Van Leer Institute & Hakibbutz Hameochad, pp. 237-273 (Hebrew).

Bram C. 2009. “Caucasus Jews and their Neighbors: Social Networks in a Multi-Ethnic Society” in: The North Caucasus, Histories, Diasporas and Current Challenges. Ergun Ozgur (ed.), New York: The Social Sciences Research Council. pp. 22-35.

Bram C. 2008. “Re-Islamization and ethno-nationalism” in Ethno-Nationalism, Islam and the State in The Caucasus, Moshe Gammer (ed.), New York and London: Routledge.

Bram C. 2008(a). “The Catch 22 of Categorization: Soviet Jews, Caucasian Jews and Dilemmas of Multiculturalism in Israel” in: Cultural Education-Cultural Sustainability: Minority, Diaspora, Indigenous and Ethno-Religious Groups in Multicultural Societies Zvi Bekerman and Ezra Kopelowitz (eds.), New-York: Routledge. pp. 31-50.

Bram C. 2004. “The Circassian World Congress: Dilemmas of Ethnic Identity and the Making of an Ethno-National Movement” in “The Caspian Region”, Vol. 3: The Caucasus, M. Gammer (ed.), London: Routledge. pp. 63-103.

Bram C. 2003. “Recognition, non-recognition, and misrecognition: The case of Ethno-Cultural groups among Immigrants to Israel from the CIS” in: Multiculturalism, The Israeli experience, O. Nahtomi (ed.), Jerusalem: Magnes, pp. 163-192. (Hebrew).

Bram C. 2001. “From Dag-Juhur to Kavkazim” in: Collection of Materials from the International Congress on Caucasi Mountain Jews, Baku: Academy of Science.

Bram C. 2000. “Human Dignity and Cultural Identity” in Human Dignity or Humiliation? The Tension of Human Dignity in Israel, A. Hareven & C. Bram (eds.), The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Hakibutz Hameuchad. pp. 58-78. (Hebrew).

Bram C. 2000(a). “Cherkeskaya samobetnoct” in: Cherkese b Israele, C.A. Danilova and M.M. Chafiz, Nalchik (eds.), Poligrafservis u T. (Russian).

Bram C. 1999. “Circassian Re-Emigration to the Caucasus” in "Roots and Routes: Ethnicity and Migration in Global Perspective", S. Weil (ed.), The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem. 205-224.

(Selected list. Additional chapters in books can be presented upon request)

Articles in Peer reviewed journals

Bram, C., Fisher Shlomo.,Class, Work and Religion: NCOs’ in Israeli Defense Force in:, Megamot, special issue on “Religion and Class” (forthcoming).

Bram, C., Goldberg H., 2019, “Anthropology and Society in Israel: towards between Knowledge and Practice”. Megamot, 54 (1) pp. 7- 19 (Introduction to the special volume: “Anthropological Knowledge in Israeli Society: Relevance, Use and Potential)”.(Hebrew).

Bram, C., Goldberg H., Neeman R., 2019, “Dilemmas in Anthropology: between Research and Practice”. Megamot, 54 (1) pp. 21-46. (Hebrew).

Bram C., 2018.” The Authentic Photomontage: Caucasus Jews, the ‘Chrekeska’ and Herzl”. Pe’amim 150.pp. pp.85-114 (Hebrew).

Bram C. 2017. “Moscow Azerbaijani-Juhuro "Oligarchs" and the Eurasian Trade Networks”. Caucasus Analytical Digest, no, 96.

Bram C. 2014. “New spirituality under the shadow of the conflict: Sufi circles in Israel”, in Israel Studies Review Volume 29, Issue 2, 118–139.

Bram C., Hatina M. 2014. "Cultural Exchange and Universal Vision: Murat Yagan and the Teaching of Kebzeh", Journal of Sufi Studies 3, 67-82.

Baris H., Bram, C. (et al.) 2014. "Founder Mutation for Huntington Disease in Caucasus Jews". Clinical Genetics. DOI: 10.1111/cge.12344.

Bram, C. Gammer, M. 2013. "Radical Islamism, Traditional Islam and Ethno-Nationalism in the North-Western Caucasus", Middle Eastern Studies 49,1.

Bram, C. 2012. "Group Identity, Colonialism and Zionism: Bukhara Jews and Caucasus Jews in the Prism of their Ethnoyms" "Pe’amim” 136:109-144. (Hebrew).

Golden D., Bram, C. 2012. “The vague presence of Multiculturalism- decoding and practice in the educational field” Mifgash- for Educational Social Work, 20: 35, pp. 15-36.

Bram, C. 2009. "Immigrant Jews of the Caucasus in New York and Moscow: Ethno-Cultural Identity and Community Organization", Sociological Papers 13 (special issue: Between Tradition and Modernity: The Plurality of Jewish Customs and Rituals). 43-57.

Bram, C. 2008. "The Language of the Mountain Jews from the Caucasus: Language Preservation and Socio-Linguistic Dilemmas before and after the Migration to Israel". Irano-Judaica VI. Pp. 337-351. Translated & Reprint in: “History and Culture of Mountain Jews”, ed. by Z. Nazarova, Moscow: International Congress of Mountain Jews. 2018 (Russian). Pp. 501-513.

Goldberg, H. Bram C. 2008. "Sephardi / Mizrahi / Arab Jews: Anthropological Reflections on Critical Sociology in Israel and the Study of Middle Eastern Jewries within the Context of Israeli Society", Studies in Contemporary Jewry 22. pp. 227-256.

Bram, C. 2007. "Shaping group identity during a migration process: Caucasus Jews and the Importance of inner diversity". "Pe’amim” 111-112, pp. 145-185. (Hebrew).

Bram, C. 2006. "Influencing social policy to recognize cultural diversity: The rule and the limitations of anthropologist involvement", Practicing Anthropology 28 (3), pp. 8-12.

Bram, C. 2003. “Muslim Revivalism and the Emergence of Civic Society - a Case Study of an Israeli- Circassian Community”, Central Asian Survey, 22 (1) Pp.5-21.

Bram, C. 1997. "The Aliya of Caucasus Jews (the Mountain Jews)", The Jews of the Soviet Union in Transition, 3 (18), Jerusalem. pp. 158-177 (Hebrew).

Kreindler E., Avinor E. Ben-Sousan M. Bram C. 1995. Circassian Israelis: Multilingualism as a Way of Life”, in Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol. 8, No. 2.

Scientific and Applied Research Reports

Bram, C. et al. 2016 “Integrating the history and culture of Caucasus ‘Mountain’ Jews in the Education System”. Policy Paper presented to the Bitton governmental committee to examine the integration of Eastern Jewish communities in the education system.

Bram C. Fatwash- Shbso Sana, Khon Yahia. 2016. Plan for a study program in Adyghe (Circassian) History. Submitted to the Israel Ministry of Education.

Bram, C. 2007."Aspects in Absorption: Israel as a Multicultural Society" (interview), Hed Haolpan Hachadash 92, Autumn, pp. 72-79 (Hebrew).

Bram, C. 1998. “A Culturally Oriented Approach for Early Childhood Care”, Early Childhood Matters 89.

Bram, C. 2005. Social Stability and Islam in Central Asia, Research- Report for O.R Counseling firm. (70 pages). Bram, C. 2003. Plan and Rational for a Circassian Cultural Center, presented to the Society for Conservation of Historical Sites and Monuments.

Bram, C., Neraya E. 2002. Veni, Vedi, Ii: Israeli "Shlichim" Identity Encounters in U.S Jewish Summer camps, presented to the Department of Education, the Jewish Agency.

Bram, C., Neraya E. 2002 "Israeli "Shlichim" in U.S Jewish Summer camps: meeting a different religious environment.” presented to the Research Unit in the Department of Education in the Jewish Agency.

Bram, C., Engelberg A. 2003. The discourse on "secular" and "religious" meet Diaspora Jews: A research report on a training program for educators for the Diaspora, presented to the Department of Education in the Jewish Agency.

Bram, C. 2001. "Becoming a Knowledge Oriented Organization: a case Study of the Initiatives in Informal Education for the Diaspora" presented to the Department of Education, Jewish Agency. (Hebrew)

Bram, C. Shauli Ran. 2001. “Language and Cultural Identity: Juhuri - The Language of the Mountain Jews from the Caucasus, and its Status in Israel”, in: "Hakochav Shelano- Nasha Zeveizda", Ministry of Absorption and the Association of Immigrants from the Caucasus. (Hebrew); re-published in “Mirvori”, 2009.

Bram, C. 1997. “Education and Language among the Circassians in Israel” presented to the Center for Language Policy, Tel Aviv and Bar Ilan University. (Hebrew).

Bram, C. 1997. “Juhuri - The Language of the Mountain Jews, and its Status in Israel”, presented to the Center for Language Policy, Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University.

Bram, C. 1995. “Organizational Boundaries, System-Oriented Approaches and Obligation to a Community - Organizational Development in a Municipal Education Department”, presented to The School for Educational Leadership, Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

Bram, C. 1995. "Cultural Diversity among new immigrants from former U.S.S.R to Israel: presented to JDC Israel.

Book Reviews

Bram, C. 2013. Review of Nissim Leon, Gentle Ultra-Orthodoxy, Religious Renewal in Oriental Jewry in Israel (Jerusalem, Ben Zvi Institute, 2010), in: Megamot: Journal of the Behavioral Sciences 49 (2).

Bram, C. 2010, Review of Esther Meir, Between Baghdad and Ramat Gan: Iraqi Jewish Immigrants in Israel (Jerusalem, 2009). Israeli Sociology 12 [1], pp 232-235.

Other professional publications and works

Bram, C. 2014 "Along the Silk Road". haTanin, Newsletter of the Center for Jewish Studies, University of Florida.

Bram, C. 2012 “From Abkhazia to the North Caucasus: thoughts from the road” in: Reflections on Abkhazia, 1992- 2012,” Shukhum: Abkhaz World.

Bram, C. 2007. "The Circassian Jews", Et-mol 191, January, pp 20-24 (Hebrew).

Bram. C. 2002. "Circassian" entry in: "The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East, A. Sela (ed.), New York & London: Continuum. pp. 245-247.

Bram, C. 2002. "Olive trees, Swastikas and the tiered people" Artist book (Text & Photographs), "Homeland", Musrara School of Photography, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

Bram, C. 2002. "Bukharian Theater and 'Nigunim' in the Galilee: Representation and Israeli Identity viewed from the Margins". Areshet 4 (Mandel Institute) (Hebrew).

Bram, C. 1994. “The Caucasus Re-immigration of the Circassians” (Hebrew), Svivot, the Sdeh Boker Seminary for Environmental Studies.

(see Conference Paper and Abstracts list below)

5.3 Papers and Abstracts - Participation in Scientific Conferences and Lectures

Invited plenary lectures at conferences/meetings

1. Caucasian Crossways: the Holocaust, Circassian Genocide, and Stalin’s Deportations.Annual Guest Lecture, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University, 14 February 2017.

2. Islam and ethno-nationalism in the North Caucasus, concluding panel in the International symposium on "Circassians in the 21st Century: Problems and Opportunities”, Ankara, 22-25 September 2011.

3. Policy for Absorption of New Immigrants from FSU in Schools and the Integration of Youth, Panel, at the conference: Immigration from the Former Soviet Union and Education in Israel, Beth Hatefusot, Tel Aviv University, 14 Sep. 2010.

4. Caucasus Jews: Trans national identities and Diaspora organizations, The Role of Diaspora Organizations in International Relations", Brooklyn College, NY April 2009

5. Multi-Ethnic Networks in the Caucasus: the experience of Caucasus Jews Workshop: Towards a New Generation of Scholarship on the Caucasus; Sukhumi. Abkhazia. Organized together with the Social Science Research Council, NY., October 2008

6. From People in exile to Diaspora people: Diaspora Circassians and their relations with their homeland, The 144th Anniversary of Circassian Deportation", Bah?e?ehir University, Istanbul, May 2008.

Conference Papers

7. Engaging with the Sacred of the Other: Jewish-Muslim Relations in Central Eurasia. The 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Studies (ASI18), Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, May 23-24, 2018

8. Perceiving the Colonization of the Caucasus between Past and Present: Russia and the struggle over the Circassian Genocide. In: Russia & The Muslim World, Truman Institute, The Hebrew University, May, 13-14 2018.

9. Boundaries, Local identity and Mutual ‘Soft’ Resistance: Jewish- Muslim relations in Soviet Central Asia. Presented in the International conference: Jewish Communities in Modern Asia: Cultural Contacts in Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Haifa University, 24-25 April 2018

10. Identity challenges of a diaspora minority: lessons from the case studies of Circassians in Israel and in the U.S.A. in: Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora. RUCARR at Malm? University, November 23-24, 2017

11. "The hybrid Circassian: Challenges of Identity in Open Societies". in: Circassians in the 21st century: Identity and Survival – in the homeland and diaspora. RUCARR at Malmo University, November 23-24 2017. (with Yasmine Shawaff).

12. “The Zionist establishment, the Yishuv, and the Jews of the Caucasus” in International Scholars’ Workshop “World Jewry – Views from Israel”. The Ben- Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism, Sde Boker. 17-19 October, 2017

13. ‘From Jewish ‘Kolonka’ to a Ghetto: Space and survival in the North Caucasus’ In: “Holocaust Research and the Spatial Turn”, International workshop, Yad Vashem International Research Institute, 10-13 July 2017.

14. The struggle over the Circassian Genocide: Between historical recognition and current practicalities. In: “Holding Accountability Accountable”, Clark University, April 7, 2017.

15. ‘Juhuro’ Oligarchs between Moscow, Azerbaijan and Beyond: Impacts of Trans-national Mobilities and Immobilities’, in: Migration, Mobile Goods and Trade Networks in the Caucasus, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena 18-19 November 2016.

16. Genocide, Holocaust, Deportations: Caucasian Intersections, the 5th Conference on Genocide - The International Network of Genocide Scholars, Jerusalem 26-29 June 2016.

17. The Divided Holocaust Experience of Caucasus ‘Mountain’ Jews, in: The Jews of the Middle East in the Shadow of the Holocaust, April 5. 2016. Ben Zvi Institute and Yad Vashem International Institute, Jerusalem.

18. Jews and the Deported People: Some Junctures and Conjunctures in Jewish Testimonies. The International Colloquium: Jews and their Neighbors in Soviet Central Asia during the Second World War: Realities of Life and Survival, Hebrew University, March 8, 2016

19. The changing meaning of "Mizrahim"- towards essential "taking for granted" ethnic category and ethnic identification, at: The Mizrahi Question and the Margins of Israel. Workshop at CRFJ- Le Centre de recherche fran?ais ? J?rusalem, June 15, 2015.

20. Community, Transmission and Jewish Continuity: a case study of a liberal congregation in Midwest U.S., at the international conference: Gender, Families and Transmission in Contemporary Jewish Context, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, June 2, 2015.

21. Diaspora and Transnationalism Revisited: the case of Azerbaijani and Georgian Jews. at: Identities on the Move: The Caucasus Between the Local, the Regional, and the Global, Qafqaz university & the French research Center, Baku. May 15-16, 2015.

22. Religious and Political Institutions in a comparative perspective (discussant), International workshop, "Studying Rural Chinese Society in the 21st Century: Emerging Themes and New Challenges", March 10, 2015, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

23. Constructing a bridge over the chasm between Judaism and Christianity’:

Messianic churches, liberal Judaism and conversion – an American case study. Research Workshop on Converts, Returnees, and Adherents: New Ways of Joining the Jewish People. The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, November 3-4, 2014

24. Historical Memory and Ethnic Continuity – the Case of Diaspora Circassians, in: GISFOH, the 6th German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium- “Media of Memory: Between the Oral and the Digital”, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Potsdam, Germany. September 7 – 10, 2014.

25. Preserving Jewish Identity under Soviet Rule: The Place of Religion among the Georgian, Mountain and Bukharan Jews, Opening lecture at the International Conference: The Jews of Georgia, The Caucasus and Central Asia. Ivane Javakhishvily State University, Tbilisi, September 8-10 (with Yaakov R’oi).

26. Warriors, Muhajireen, Exiled: Historical Memory and Ethnic Continuity. The Israeli Circassians. The International Association of Middle East Studies, Ankara, 19.9.2014.

27. Politics of Estrangement: Past and Present Intellectualization of Otherhood (Roundtable). Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, the Ben-Gurion Research Institute, Sede-Boqer Campus, Ben-Gurion University. June 25, 2014.

28. “Sufi Circles in Israel under the Shade of the Conflict”, International Conference “Journeys of Practice”, Michigan State University, East Lansing. March 21, 2014.

29. Neighboring Families, Religious Traditions and Inter-group Intimacy: Jews and Muslims in Soviet Central Asia. International conference: The Family- Cultural Dynamics and Dialogues between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Center for the Study of Relations between Jews, Christians, Muslims. The Open University, Ra’anana. December, 30, 2013.

30. Inter-group Intimacy, Informality and (Post) Soviet Legacy: Jewish- Muslim and Jewish- Christian Relations in Eurasia. In: Informal Practices and Structures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. 21-23 November 2013.

31. Back to the Caucasus: Inter-group Intimacy and (Post) Soviet Legacy. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of American Anthropologist Association. Chicago, November 2013.

32. Post- Soviet Immigrants & Israeli Secularism: processes of mutual transformations, paper presented at the International Conference: “Israeli Secularism, The Future of an Illusion”. University of Florida, Gainesville, October 13-14. 2012.

Presentations at international seminars and workshops

33. Ethnic Relations and Survival: Jews and Adyghe Muslims during the Nazi occupation of the Caucasus. The international Research Institute, Yad Vashem, February, 25, 2016

34. Immigratrion and ethnic relations- between the Caucasus and the Middle East. "Kavkaz/Israël" conference, Le Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem, 10-11-2014.

35. Our Role in Public Education, AICE Visiting Israeli Professors Conference, Bar-Ilan University, June 29, 2014.

36. Indian Caste System viewed from the margins: Eklavya’s Thumb- A Critical Canonical Criticism? Panel on “The Relevance of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in Dalit and African American Studies”. Institute for African American Studies, University of Florida, April 5, 2013.

37. Memory and Migration, Memory of Migrations” (discussant) “Territorial and Border Configuration to the Test of Mobility and Migrations”. Centre de Recherche Franceise a Jerusalem. June 15-16 2012.

38. Russian-speaking migrants in Israel, Research project: Russian Speaking Migrants- Language, Intercultural Interaction, Integration, University of G?ttingen, April 2007

39. Inter-communal work (roundtable), 12th Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution, S. Petersburg, May 2004

40. Jewish Identity and Identity of Jews, Workshop, EUJS Summer University, Leicester, England, August 1998

Organizing Panels in Conferences 

41. “Russia in the Caucasus”, in: Russia & The Muslim World, Truman Institute, The Hebrew University, May, 13-14 2018

42. Education and Ethos between Afghanistan and Israel: Continuity and Change. In: Afghan Jews: Identity and Heritage. Bar- Ilan University, 2-11-2014.

43. Visiting Natives: Encounters outside the Bubble. Session for the Annual meeting of American Anthropologist Association. Chicago, November 2013.

44. Spiritual home communal home and physical home: Place and communality in current spirituality. Annual conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Haifa University. May 2011.

45. Kinship as a process: Culturally bound tensions between ideals and reality, Annual conference of The Israeli Anthropological Association, Emek-Hayarden Academic College, May 2009 (with A. Saar)

  • Member, Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Caucasian Studies (bilingual journal).
  • Member, Consultant Committee on Immigrant pupil, Ministry of Education, 2015
  • Chairperson, Committee for writing teaching materials
  • in History for Circassian Students, Ministry of Education, 2015
  • Consultant, Shatil – Initiatives for Social Change, Think Tank: Racism and Tolerance: The Case of F.S.U. Immigrants, 2010-2011
  • Academic advisor, “A Journey to Jewish Heritage”, expedition to Georgia, The Zalman Shazar Centre – The Historical Society of Israel, 2007
  • Contributor/Team member, ‘The Conflict between Radical Islam and the West’, The Institute for Policy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, 2007
  • Advisor, the Society for Conservation of Historical Sites and Monuments, 2003
  • Advisor, experimental education project, Ministry of Education and Amit High Schools, Israel, 1998-2000
  • Advisor, policy toward different migrant groups, Israeli Ministry of Absorption, 1995-1997