Dinah Paritzky (MCOptom)
Director of the Department of Optometry, Senior lecturer
Dinah Paritzky (MCOptom)
Dinah Paritzky completed her BSc in Optometry at City University, London and received her MCOptom in1987. She was a practicing optometrist first in England and then in Israel for 10 years, in private practice and in Hadassah Hospital Clinics.
Dinah has been Director of the undergraduate degree and senior lecturer in Theoretical Optometry, Clinical Optometry and Visual Optics since the inception of the department in 1996, and is in fact one of the founders of the department. She is the academic advisor for the undergraduate degree, and sits on pedagogy committees for the undergraduate degree at two campuses and for the Master's degree. She also sits on the steering committees for undergraduate and graduate Optometry programs.
Dinah has given several lectures and workshops to faculty of Hadassah Academic College on pedagogical techniques, and run student workshops in Israel and England on Cultural Competence.
In 2016, Dinah became a Fellow of the European Academy for Optometry and Optics (EAOO) in recognition of her contribution in the fields of optometric education and professional advancement.
Dinah has lectured around the world at EAOO conferences, Israeli Optometry conferences, the Improving University Teaching International conference, and was a guest lecturer at two Bulgarian Optometry Conferences and at City University London.
She is an active participant in two Erasmus funded projects:
OCULUS : An International Collaboration to enhance the Quality and Scope of Optometry in Europe and Beyond.
ASSETT: Assessment Tools for Higher Education Learning Environments
Dinah's research interests include optometric pedagogy and dynamic visual acuity.
1) OCULUS (Optometry Curriculum for Lifelong Learning through Erasmus): An International Collaboration to enhance the Quality and Scope of Optometry in Europe and Beyond.
2) Collaboration with universities from Norway, Israel, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom and India, and ECOO - European Council of Optometry and Optics, Belgium
The project consists of three main pillars:
- 'DipE Accreditation': developing new educational resources for the curricula in Israel and India that are based on the high standards of the European Diploma in Optometry (DipE).
- 'Novel Educational Modules': developing educational resources for evidence based optometric practice (EBP).
- 'Technology Enhanced Learning': creating a personal learning network (PLN) for optometry students and practitioners, as an online portfolio of patient encounters and platform for peer review and discussion.
3) The OCULUS project is funded by Erasmus +
4) Collaboration with Chart2020, to investigate a new method of measuring visual acuity using the Dyop, which measures dynamic visual acuity. The research findings have been presented at the European Academy of Optometry and Optics international conference, the Israel Conference of Optometry and Vision Science, and the American Academy of Optometry conference.