Prof. Moshe Caine
Senior Lecturer at the Photographic Communications Department
Prof. Moshe Caine
Professor Moshe Caine holds degrees. in philosophy and sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1977), in photography, film and television from Harrow College of Technology & Art (now Westminster University) in London 1980, and in Electronic Imaging from Coventry University (1989).
Prof. Caine's work accompanies and reflects the processes of digitization and the computer revolution of the world of photography and visual media. During this period he has specialized in a wide variety of fields, including analog and digital photography, video, interactive media, VR and AR, multispectral imaging, photogrammetry, 3D scanning, RTI imaging, digital asset management, digital publishing, user interface UX and UX, and more.
He is one of the pioneers of the multimedia industry in Israel. In 1989 he founded the multimedia company Icons in Jerusalem, which he managed for 20 years.
Over the past 30 years, Prof. Caine has specialized in digital imaging applications for the preservation, restoration and display of material cultural heritage. He has extensive experience working with museums and educational institutions.
Since 1981 he has been teaching in Israel's academia, in undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design (1981-2009), Haifa University (2011-2015), Emunah College (1982-2019), and the Hadassah Academic College (since 1984).
Between the years 2005-2011 Moshe served as the head of the department of interactive communication at Hadassah College and between 2015-2019 as the head of the photographic communication department at the academic college.
He is a member of various committees in the college and outside and strives to promote international academic collaborations with different countries.
Prof. Caine's research is applicative in nature and is based on fieldwork.
It deals with the technologies of material cultural heritage for research, preservation and restoration. The main area of his research focuses on interactive applications of detecting light directions, dimension and depth, as a tool in the discovery of surface texture.
The research focuses on a comparison between several accessible and particularly flexible technologies: photogrammetry / (Structure from Motion), laser scanning, Structured Light, SSL lidar (Solid State LIDAR), as well as Reflectance Transformation Imaging. The applications of these technologies are widespread and very effective in the fields of archaeology, art conservation, paper, parchment, wood, metal and textile conservation.
Caine M. If Stones could Speak
Annual Conference on Information Science (ACIS 2022)
University of Nairobi, 2022
Re’em A, Caine M, Altaraz D, Tchekhanovets Y
Historical Archaeology of Medieval Pilgrimage: Dating the "Walls of the Crosses" in the Holy Sepulchre Chapel of St. Helena
In New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region
Collected Papers. Volume XV 2022
Caine M. (2022). “Consumer Solid State Lidar: A Viable Tool for heritage Documentation?”
EVA Florence Conference 2022
Caine M., Rabinovich R. (2021). The Elephant in The Room
EVA Florence Conference 2021
Caine M., Altaratz D. (2021). The Virtual Pilgrim.
Presentation. Digital Past. Conference Feb. 2021
Caine M., Altaratz D. (2020). Cities in the Cloud. The “New-Jerusalem” as a metaphor for social experiences of Virtual technologies. EVA London Conference 2020
Caine M., Altaratz D. (2020). The Spirit of The Cloud. A virtual experience as a manifestation of “The New Jerusalem”. EVA Florence Conference 2020
Caine M., Maggen M., Altaratz D. (2019). Combining RTI & SFM. A Multi-Faceted approach to Inscription Analysis. EVA Florence Conference 2019. 97-104
Caine M., Reem A., MacDonald L., Altaratz D. (2018). The Riddle of the Crosses: The Crusaders in the Holy Sepulchre. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018)
Caine M., Maggen M. Heritage Imaging Solutions for the Real World. 2017. INKA Culture and Computer Science Conference, Berlin, 18-19 May 2017
Caine M., Maggen M. Low Cost Heritage Imaging Techniques Compared. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2017)
Caine M., Contessa A., Grinberg Z. The 3D Scanning of the Mantua Ark. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015)
Caine M., Kohn A. Another Person’s World - Immersive Digital Storytelling as a means of Mutual Learning and Self Reflection. Harvard EVA Minerva Conference. 2015
Caine M., Tagar E., Ben-Or I. Unfolding Communities: Imaging the Past, Envisioning the Future. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014)
Caine M., Contessa A. Mantua in Jerusalem – Virtual Exhibition of the Mantua Holy Ark. EVA Minerva Digital Heritage Conference. Jerusalem Nov. 2014
Caine M. The Secrets of the Stones. Heritage and Memory.
Revising Scopes and Means of Physical and Digital Preservation of Holocaust Documentation. International Workshop within the Framework of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), supported by the European Commission. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem. September, 2014
Caine M., Maggen M. The Illuminated Pixel. Adaptation of Infrared and Visible Light Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) in Exploring a Medieval Illuminated Manuscript. EVA Minerva 2012 conference. Jerusalem
Caine M., Maggen M. Pixels and Parchment: The Application of RTI and Infrared Imaging to the Dead Sea Scrolls. EVA 2011
Pixels and Parchment: The Application of RTI and Infrared Imaging to the Dead Sea Scrolls
Over the past twenty years, Professor Caine's work in the field of Cultural Heritage Imaging applications has led to a wide gamut of collaborations, both in Israel and in Europe. Among these it is worth noting the following:
Michael Maggen. Head of Paper, Prints and Drawings Conservation, at The Israel Museum Jerusalem, with whom numerous joint practical research projects have been carried out.
Sharon Tager. Head of Conservation. The Israel Museum Jerusalem. Ongoing collaboration in the establishment of a modern Multispectral Imaging laboratory.
The Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem. Since its opening in 1993, Prof. Caine has been closely associated with the museum, developing its technology-based visitor experiences and conservation work.
Collaboration with The Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art, leading to several innovative virtual museum interactive visitor centers and Virtual Tour of the Jewish history of Mantua with Dr. Andreina Contessa, currently Director of the Historical Museum and Park of the Miramare Castle in Trieste.
The Israel Antiquities Authority, with whom several joint conservation Imaging projects have been carried out, including: The Ma'ale Romaim Fortress, with Dr. Yuval Baruch, Jerusalem Regional Archaeologist. The Chapel of Saint Helena in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with District Archaeologist, Amit Re'em.
Dr. Tsevikah Tsuk of the Israel Nature and Parks Authority. Imaging for text detection of Roman Milestones discovered along the Incense Route.
Prof. Lindsay MacDonald. University College London. Joint research on the Saint Helena Crosses, Jerusalem.
Gunter Nenneberger, of Bad Neustadt, Germany. Over the past several years a collaborative research into the history of lost Jewish communities in North Bavaria has resulted in several websites dedicated to their commemoration. Some of the imaging work was carried out together with students of the department of Photographic Communication at Hadassah Academic College. Partners to the collaboration on this project were The Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage at Yale University, under the direction of Professor Stefan Simon.