Dr. Ravid Doron (Ph.D)

Dr. Ravid Doron (Ph.D)

Senior Lecturer, Clinic Instructor and Director of undergraduate final projects at Strauss Campus, Department of Optometry and Vision Science

Dr. Ravid Doron (Ph.D)

BA (B.Optom) from Bar-Ilan University in Life Sciences, Master's degree and Ph.D from Tel Aviv University in Medical Science, Visual Neuroscience.

Fellow of the Israeli Optometric Association.

Dr. Doron's research interests include assessment of visual perception during development (children and adolescents) and in pathological conditions.
Dr. Doron works in collaboration with researchers from Hadassah College, Bar-Ilan University and the Hebrew University.

Dr. Doron teaches a variety of courses as part of the undergraduate and graduate programs in optometry, Clinic Instructor at the optometry clinics, and Director of undergraduate final projects at Strauss Campus. She is a member of several academic committees including the Ethics Committee for approval of clinical studies.

Dr. Doron participates in the "Evidence-Based Practice" project which is part of the Erasmus OCULUS program.

The main area of research is understanding mechanisms that support visual perception.
The studies combine clinical, physiological and behavioral research methods.

Her Ph.D research project was to study the development of visual functions processing during the early childhood period and the neural relationship of these functions.

Dr. Doron investigates visual perceptual changes and functional implications in children with a history of congenital biliary cataracts, children with deficits in object and facial recognition, and in perceptual changes in keratoconus patients.

Ravid Doron, Ariela Gordon-Shaag, Einat Shneor, Ayelet Goldstein and Lisa A Ostrin. Objective Quantification of Viewing Behaviours During Printed and Electronic Tasks in Emmetropic and Myopic Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men (accepted to OPO 1.2023)

Einat Shneor, Lisa Ostrin, Ravid Doron, Julia Benoit, Jonathan Levine, Kevin Davidson, Ariela Gordon-Shaag. Baseline Characteristics in the Israel Refraction, Environment, and Devices (iREAD) Study (accepted to (Scientific Reports 2.2023)


Ravid Doron, Rachel Eichler and Vidiut Rajhans. Effectiveness of online learning in improving optometry student’s reflective abilities (accepted to Journal of Optometry 10.2022)


Zohary, E., Harari, D., Ullman, S., Ben-Zion, I., Doron, R., Attias, S., ... & Mckyton, A. (2022). Gaze following requires early visual experience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(20), e2117184119.

Shneor, E., Doron, R., Ostrin, L. A., & Gordon-Shaag, A. (2022). The prevalence of refractive errors in college students in Israel. Journal of Optometry, 15(4), 284-292.


Shneor, E., Doron, R., Levine, J., Zimmerman, D. R., Benoit, J. S., Ostrin, L. A., & Gordon-Shaag, A. (2021). Objective Behavioral Measures in Children before, during, and after the COVID-19 Lockdown in Israel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8732.


Shneor, E., Piñero, D. P., & Doron, R. (2021). Contrast sensitivity and higher-order aberrations in Keratoconus subjects. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-9.


Gordon-Shaag, A., Shneor, E., Doron, R., Levine, J., & Ostrin, L. A. (2021). Environmental and behavioral factors with refractive error in Israeli boys. Optometry and Vision Science, 98(8), 959.


Gantz, L., Shneor, E., & Doron, R. (2021). Agreement and inter-session repeatability of manual and automatic interpupillary distance measurements. Journal of Optometry, 14(4), 299-314.


Doron, R., Lev, M., Wygnanski-Jaffe, T., Moroz, I., & Polat, U. (2020). Development of global visual processing: From the retina to the perceptive field. Plos one, 15(8), e0238246. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0238246

Doron, R., Sterkin, A., Fried, M., Yehezkel, O., Lev, M., Belkin, M., ... & Polat, U. (2019). Spatial visual function in anomalous trichromats: Is less more?. PloS one, 14(1), e0209662.


Sterkin, A., Levy, Y., Pokroy, R., Lev, M., Levian, L., Doron, R., ... & Polat, U. (2018). Vision improvement in pilots with presbyopia following perceptual learning. Vision research, 152, 61-73.


Gilaie-Dotan, S., & Doron, R. (2017). Developmental visual perception deficits with no indications of prosopagnosia in a child with abnormal eye movements. Neuropsychologia, 100, 64-78.


Fogel-Levin, M., Doron, R., Wygnanski-Jaffe, T., Ancri, O., & Zion, I. B. (2016). A comparison of plusoptiX A12 measurements with cycloplegic refraction. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20(4), 310-314.


Doron, R., Spierer, A., & Polat, U. (2015). How crowding, masking, and contour interactions are related: A developmental approach. Journal of Vision, 15(8), 5-5.

McKyton, A., Ben-Zion, I., Doron, R., & Zohary, E. (2015). The limits of shape recognition following late emergence from blindness. Current Biology, 25(18), 2373-2378.


Ben Yaish, S., Zlotnik, A., Limon, O., Yacouel, K. L., Doron, R., & Zalevsky, Z. (2014). Multifocal rigid gas permeable contact lenses with reduced halo. Optics Communications, 319, 113-116.


Doron, R., Lev, M., Wygnanski-Jaffe, T., Moroz, I., & Polat, U. (2020). Development of global visual processing: From the retina to the perceptive field. Plos one, 15(8), e0238246. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0238246

Gantz, L., Shneor, E., & Doron, R. (2021). Agreement and inter-session repeatability of manual and automatic interpupillary distance measurements. Journal of Optometry, 14(4), 299-314.


Gordon-Shaag, A., Shneor, E., Doron, R., Levine, J., & Ostrin, L. A. (2021). Environmental and behavioral factors with refractive error in Israeli boys. Optometry and Vision Science, 98(8), 959.


Shneor, E., Piñero, D. P., & Doron, R. (2021). Contrast sensitivity and higher-order aberrations in Keratoconus subjects. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-9.


Shneor, E., Doron, R., Levine, J., Zimmerman, D. R., Benoit, J. S., Ostrin, L. A., & Gordon-Shaag, A. (2021). Objective Behavioral Measures in Children before, during, and after the COVID-19 Lockdown in Israel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8732.


Shneor, E., Doron, R., Ostrin, L. A., & Gordon-Shaag, A. (2022). The prevalence of refractive errors in college students in Israel. Journal of Optometry, 15(4), 284-292. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1888429621000522

Zohary, E., Harari, D., Ullman, S., Ben-Zion, I., Doron, R., Attias, S., ... & Mckyton, A. (2022). Gaze following requires early visual experience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(20), e2117184119.

Ravid Doron, Rachel Eichler and Vidiut Rajhans. Effectiveness of online learning in improving optometry student’s reflective abilities (accepted to Journal of Optometry 10.2022)

  • Collaboration with Dr. Einat Shneor, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Optometry at Hadassah College, in the field of keratoconus and perception. Eye movement research with Dr. Liat Gantz, the head of the Graduate Program in Optometry at Hadassah Academic College. Student reflection clinical awareness with Dr. Rachel Eichler, senior lecturer in the Department of Optometry.
  • Collaboration with Prof. Ehud Zohary and Dr. Ayelet McKyton from the Hebrew University's Department of Neurobiology in the field of cortical visual functions in children with a history of bilateral congenital cataract. Read more about this collaboration
  • Collaboration with Dr. Sharon Gilaie Dotan, Department of Optometry and visual Sciences at Bar Ilan University on deficiencies in the developmental visual perception system and their relation to impaired eye movements. Read more about this collaboration
  • Collaboration with Prof. Uri Polat, Head of the School of Optometry and visual Sciences, Bar Ilan University and Dr. Yossi Mendel, the Head of the Laboratory of Science and Visual Engineering, Bar Ilan University on Color Vision. Read more about this collaboration