AboutMeet Our Graduates

Meira Ziroff | Optometry and Vision Sciences (M.Optom), 2020

Meira Ziroff
Hadassah taught me not only how to check the eyes, but to look at the whole person.

Hadassah operates at a very high level academically, with faculty who work tirelessly to ensure students' success. I really enjoyed my studies at the College- my teachers were all truly caring and did everything to help students succeed. In my department, and at he College as a whole, there was a very warm atmosphere and you got the feeling that everyone felt like family. I learned a great deal during the course of my degree studies, and the majority of what I study was directly relevant and beneficial to my current work in the field.

At Hadassah, they don't just teach you how to examine eyes. Rather, they teach you to look at the entire person. Your patients and clients are more than just a left and right eye; there is a whole person who needs to be seen. In the academic program at Hadassah, a great deal of emphasis is placed on taking a holistic therapeutic approach, which is essential for the client's overall well being.

I really enjoy the field of optometry. It's a lot of fun and also very meaningful when I am able to solve someone's problem, ease their discomfort, and thus improve their life. Sometimes it's a small issue, like poor night vision, which can be solved through simple adjustments to a patient's glasses. But that simple action can have a profound impact on the patient's day-to-day well being and quality of life.

Another fun part of the job for me is just the everyday interaction with patients and clients. You develop a relationship over time, and it is nice to get to see people when they come in for their regular check ups. There is really a sense of responsibility because patients trust you and give you their confidence regarding their vision.

Currently I work in a management position in addition to my role as an optometrist, and I am really enjoying it. I love seeing the new optometry clinic grow, develop and flourish- it is a bit like watching a young child grow.