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Accessibility Awareness Day at the College

The Students Union Challenge Centre Support Center in collaboration with "Access Israel" will be holding an Accessibility Awareness Day. Stations will be set up on where students can experience and become familiar with some of the disabilities and impairments that exist in society. This day aims to heighten awareness of various issues related to disabilities, coping strategies, existing solutions, as well as to place the accessibility issue on the agenda.

The activity will feature stations where students may gain hands-on experience with various disabilities, and personally experience the meaning of being a person with disabilities. In addition, at each station, students will become acquainted with a person with disabilities who will share parts of his or her personal life with them. Some of the stations will be operated by the non-profit "Access Israel," and some of the stations will be run (on a volunteer basis) by students with disabilities who attend the College.

You are all invited to take part in this important initiative.

Click here for the invitation to Accessibility Day


Invitation to Accessibility Awareness Day at the College