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College staff meeting: “A look at Commercialization and intellectual property”

A look at Commercialization and intellectual propertyThe forum for cooperation and inter department introductions, and the research and development authority of the Hadassa Academic College, invite the staff and executive management of the college to a meeting on the topic of: “A look at commercialization and intellectual property”. During the meeting different aspects of the process of converting technology and/ or an idea into a product or service that can be commercialized, and the possibilities available to the people of the college in this process, will be presented.


  • Avi Ben Zichru – CEO of SNE IP, the commercial company of the college.
  • Avital Zer Shinkai – Lawyer, specializing in intellectual property.
  • Zohar Millman – From the Technological Incubators Program in Jerusalem, the VLX business development manager.

The meeting is intended for all lecturers and executive staff members, we will be very happy to see you at this important event.

For more details about the meeting

For registering to the meeting (Google forms)