AboutWhat's New

“Eyes on Jerusalem” - 2nd Annual Retinal Disease Course

The Department of Optometry and Vision Science Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem, Israel presents: “Eyes on Jerusalem”, 2nd Annual Retinal Disease Course.
Three-day concentrated course.

Methods for examining the retina

Comparison of direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, fundus photography, wide field retinal imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Introduction to ERG, Macular Pigment Density Assessment.

Mydriatic Drugs - Myth vs. Reality

A review the use of mydriatic drugs in optometric practice.

Optic Nerve Examination

Glaucoma, Ischaemic optic neuropathy, Crowded versus Choked disc.

Macular disease, diabetic retinopathy, vascular hypertension, ocular neoplasia, vitreous and peripheral retina conditions.

Practical Hands-On Workshops of retinal examination techniques.


CET, COPE Pending

*Cost of 3 Day Course: $350 USD.

Keynote Lecturers

Hotel Accommodations 

For Payment (by Credit Card)