Design Beyond Wellbeing - Graduation Projects Conference
Chairs: Prof. Keni Segal & Prof. Jonathan Ventura
Design is rapidly changing facing global shifts and challenges. Amidst these economic, socio-cultural and political currents, design as a discipline, as well as designers as practitioners, must redefine their role in society. Henry Dreyfuss named his famous book “Designing for People” in 1955, to offer an alternative to the market-focused design for the industry, predominantly central in his time. While from the early 1990s inclusive design, originated in the UK, framed an innovative and important change, we believe it is time to outline a new path for designers, in face of the intricate challenges awaiting in the coming years.
We chose the title “design beyond wellbeing” to highlight these challenges, as achieving wellbeing for us is not enough. Following a path of ‘value-based design’ we stress for designers to base their practice on two key notions: first, integrating design’s sub-disciplines and focusing instead on specific subject-matters (social design, healthcare, education); second, we believe that to meet said challenges, designers must originate their practice through a defined set of values.
This one-day conference will be divided into four sessions, each will consist of several key projects by our graduates and a key scholar related to each session’s topic.
9:00-9:30- Greetings and Introduction
Greetings and welcome to HAC design and WB conference
Prof. Bertold fridlender, HAC President
Introducing the Dan Department of Creative Human Design
Mr. Gideon Dotan, Head of the Department
Introducing the conference themes
Prof. Keni Segal and Prof. Jonathan Ventura
9:30-10:45- Session 1 - Wellbeing and Youth
Game, play, psychology and youth
Mrs. Orit Ventura, Ph.D. Candidate in studies of "Psychoanalysis and interfaces" in the psychotherapy program, Faculty of medicine, Tel Aviv University
Graduation Projects by the Students: Noa Cohen-Tzemach, Yuval Chen, Tal Gabai, Zipi Gidron
Mediation and open microphones for Q&A
11:00-12:15- Session 2 - Wellbeing and Urban Space
Urbanism and wellbeing in a changing environment
Arch. Prasanna Liyanage, Muratwa University, Sri Lanka
Graduation Projects by the Students: Yarin Arviv, Eliraz Eitam, Nadav Goren, Almog Gal
Mediation and open microphones for Q&A
12:25-12:50- Keynote Presentation
COVID-19 and Ageing
Prof. Jeremy Myerson, RCA, former head of HHCD
12:50-13:30- Break
13:30-14:45- Session 3 - Wellbeing and Assistive Technology
Body, Technology & a Foxy Virus
Mr. Eran Franco, Physiotherapists and Ergonomics Expert and a lecturer at HAC, TAU and HIT
Graduation Projects by the Students: Dalia Amstislavski, Ofir Ashdot, Itiel Shnitzer
Mediation and open microphones for Q&A
15:00-16:15- Session 4 - Neurology and Socio-Cultural Context
New challenges, design and healthcare
Mr. Yaniv Kneller, Design Business Lead CT/AMI at Philips
Graduation Projects by the Students: Nofar Datner, Nofar Laor, Bar Babu, Batiya Asulin
Mediation and open microphones for Q&A
16:30-17:00- Closing remarks, Thanks and launch of the Graduation Projects Web Exhibition
Mr. Gideon Dotan, Head of the Dan Department