Professor Bertold Fridlender, who was recently elected as Hadassah Academic College President by the Board of Governors commences his tenure as of August 1, 2012.

Prof. Fridlender, who has served as Chair of the College's Department of Biotechnology since 2004 was recommended by a Search Committee headed by College Chairperson David Brodet. Prof. Fridlender succeeds Prof. Nava Ben-Zvi who is currently completing thirteen years as College President.

Prof. Fridlender earned his masters degree in biochemistry at the University of Chile, and his doctoral degree in medical microbiology and immunology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Prior to Prof. Fridlender's appointment in 1972 as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he pursued research for four years under the guidance of the Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, Prof. Luis Leloir.

In addition to his appointment at Hadassah Academic College, Prof. Fridlender has spent the past four years as a visiting professor at Rutgers University. He has also served as a managing director, CEO, and consultant for a number of biotechnology start-up companies in Israel and abroad.

Prof. Fridlender recently secured a nearly EUR 2 million competitive grant from the European Union to pursue research focusing on the protection of plant diversity in the Mediterranean. Collaborative research will be pursued by scientists from Hadassah Academic College together with colleagues from research institutes in Spain, Greece, the Palestinian Authority, and Rutgers University and North Carolina State University in the United States.



נשיא המכללה הנכנס, פרופ' ברטולד פרידלנדר