An original design created by Yaki Marcus, a student at Hadassah Academic College's Department of Inclusive Industrial Design was chosen as the official torch of the 2013 World Maccabiah Games.
The torch was displayed for the first time last week (Dec. 13/2012) at the Maccabian graves site in the presence of the heads of the World Maccabiah Movement, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, the Mayor of Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut Haim Bibas, athletes Netta Rivkin and Noam Gershon, and 2,000 youth from the Maccabi Youth Movement.
The World Maccabiah Games will take place in the summer of 2013 with the participation of Jewish athletes from around the world.
This is the first time that the Maccabiah Torch has been designed by a student of industrial design. Yekki, together with Department graduate Yossi Cohen, designed and produced this original work on the College campus. The designers' inspiration came from their desire to integrate Jewish motifs for this Zionist event --- the torch's five sections represent the five continents on which world Jewry lives today with Israel as the focus. The torch is shaped like a cone resembling the Jewish "shofar", and its upper section resembles a "menorah". Its frontal view depicts the Land of Israel as "flowing with milk and honey".
יוצרי הלפיד: יקי מרכוס ויוסי כהן