The accessibility day was held in cooperation with several bodies: the Access Israel NPO, the Student Union, and Etgarim: Israel Association for the Disabled. The aim of the accessibility day was to:

  • Raise the awareness of all students and college employees
  • Give expression to and empower students with disabilities and impairments

The day included several stations providing participants the opportunity to experience the various disabilities. The Student Union jointly with Access Israel operated five stations, each accompanied by college students with various disabilities.


The stations included:

  • Arm disabilities – simulating the feeling of a person with such a disability. 
  • Obstacle course station – simulating limitation of mobility.
  • Familiarity with a blind person – a taste of blindness. 
  • Familiarity with the world of the deaf and hard of hearing – meeting with a sign language interpreter and tattoos in sign language.

Throughout the day, films were shown, made by students from the photographic communications department, dealing with the personal stories of disabled people. In addition, three stations were operated by college students, the idea and implementation of which were part of a joint work process of the students and the Etgarim Association:

  • Attention and concentration station – four students participating in each exercise; each participant was required to read a text and answer questions within a time limit. While reading, station operators made a point of distracting the students by various means, including all senses. 
  • Language station – the station enabled participants to experience dyslexia, difficulty in communicating a message, and a language impairment. The station was operated through games and exercises devised and implemented by students from the speech therapy department, as well as students with such impairments. 
  • Diabetes and Fibromyalgia station – explanations and information were given on diabetes and fibromyalgia. As part of the station's activity, the students were asked to taste different foods, and guess which contained sure and which did not.
  • During the day, films made by cinema students were shown. The students created films simulating life with a disability. In addition, pamphlets were distributed with information on the various disabilities.

The Etgarim Association and Student Union wish to thank all who took part in constructing the day, and participants in it. We all hope to continue promoting the issue of accessibility in society at large, and at the college in particular.