A course in social involvement and community leadership was completed last Friday. This was the sixth year that the course has been offered by the office of the Dean of Students. Itis one of four unique optional courses that encourages community outreach. In addition to those activities included in this course, students also initiated several exciting projects as well such as organizing a Purim party for special education children; visiting Holocaust survivors before Shavuot with cakes and blessings for the holiday; gardening with the elderly at the “Bet Chanina” assisted living facility; assisting in the home of a needy family and securing donations of equipment for them, and more.

The students who participated in this course tell of an empowering experience and of strong friendships that were created with those whom they helped. The student participants were encouraged to continue with their volunteering activities after completion of the course as a result of the great sense of satisfaction they received in serving the community.

The Purim party for children in special education, in the framework of the Social involvement and community leadership course