Last Sunday close to 100 pairs of glasses were distributed to the residents of the absorption center in Mevaseret Zion, after being examined by a team from the Department of Optometry Sciences in the College. The event took place with the attendance of the Head of Local Council, Mevaseret Zion, Mr. Yoram Shimon, Manageress of the Mevaseret Zion absorption center. Mrs. Imbel Kavas, as well as representatives of the Department of Optometry Sciences from the College.

In the framework of their visit at the absorption center, staff and students from the Department of Optometry Sciences, volunteer optometrists from the US, eye doctors and two opticians arrived in order to do comprehensive vision examinations for free, with about 600 frames for glasses provided as a donation to the community by the Essilor Vision Foundation company. Israeli companies that also donated to this project are the Shamir company that donated the lenses. Visionex, Care and Skymed that donated of their time and equipment. During this project we carried out over 400 vision examinations and about 100 pairs of glasses were handed out to the residents in need, who until now had no accessibility to this type of medical service.

Distribution of glasses at the absorption center in Mevaseret Zion, Photography: The spokesperson of the College.

Professor Bertold Friedlander, President of the college: "Beyond the existing added value of this project, the students were able to practice and experience the practicalities of their area of study, we also need to emphasize the huge social value of this activity, we encourage many projects of this type and their main goal is contributing to the community and as a college we believe, that it is our duty to contribute to the society we are active in".

Professor Ariela Gordon-Shaag, Head of the Optometry Department at the college tells: "I can’t describe to you in words how exciting it was to visit the absorption center and do the examinations. It filled the heart and we felt that we came to the population that really needed it. We saw cases that we have never been exposed to in real life because these people had never had access to vision services before. In my eyes it is really sacred work".

Mr. Yoram Shimon, Head of Local Council Mevaseret Zion blessed the Hadassah College on the important activity and expressed hope that we will be able to expand this activity to additional populations in Mevaseret Zion that need these types of services: "The Passover Seder night is soon here and thanks to these glasses, tens of residents will be able to easily and enjoyably read the Haggada".