Last week, in an exciting and moving ceremony, Dean’s List awards were bestowed upon those students who demonstrated extra-ordinary academic performance in 2019 from all the Departments at Hadassah Academic College. Certificates of excellence were also distributed to those exemplary students who took an active part in community volunteer activities during the 2018-2019 academic year.

During the awards ceremony, College President Prof. Bertold Fridlender, Dean of Students Dr. Simcha Rozen, and head of the Department of Politics and Communications, Dr. Doron Schultziner, addressed the students and the many parents who accompanied them. The Nevi’im Band, HAC’s student ensemble, also performed a number of songs at the ceremony.
Congratulations are in order to all those students who were presented with scholarships and awards.

View all the photographs from the ceremony on the official Facebook page of Hadassah Academic College (Hebrew)

Selected photographs from the ceremony.
Photography: Shmuel Cohen