David Posen, an administrative worker at the college, who came for an examination as part of preventive medicine at our eye clinics, shares his past experience and the test findings that helped him prevent future problems.

David tells us:

"A few weeks ago I underwent an eye examination, and last week participated in a glaucoma workshop at Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem. Both tests were conducted by graduate students in the Department of Optometry at the college. The tests were comprehensive and professional, and included use of advanced equipment with state of the art innovative technology.
The glaucoma workshop was led by Professor Simon Bernard of London, visiting lecturer at the college. About 6 years ago, in a previous examination at the college, Prof. Bernard revealed that I have narrow angles in my eyes, a condition that could lead to complications with glaucoma in the future. As a result, my eye doctor sent me to undergo Yag Iridotomy laser surgery to prevent serious problems from developing.
I am writing this for two reasons. The first, to thank all the staff of the Department of Optometry at HAC for their dedicated care, and second, to emphasize to the general public the need for conducting periodic eye and other medical examinations, not just when there is a problem. Preventive medicine leads to a healthy lifestyle and a good quality of life."

We wish David a lot of health and thanks for sharing!

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David Posen And The Staff


Prof . Bernard With The College Staff