Students rate the College as top institution to study
The Israel Union of Students has rated Hadassah Academic College as the No. 1 institution at which to study in terms of quality of instruction.
Exchange Agreement with Salus University
An academic exchange agreement was signed on September 23, 2014 with the Salus University's College of Optometry (Elkins Park, PA).
Plants as a source of new antiviral drugs
New antiviral drugs are urgently needed to address viruses that cause a variety of illnesses in humans.
The Jerusalem Post / Moral Responsibility of Academia
College President Prof. Bertold Fridlender comments on the current situation
College hosts inaugural Alumni event
Scores of graduates from the College's Department of Environmental Health Science attended a first-ever alumni reunion held on campus in June 2014.
Aphasia Awareness Month
Hadassah Academic College and its Adler Aphasia Center participated in the world Aphasia Awareness Month in June 2014.
Dr. Einat Shneor elected to the European Academy of Optometry and Optics
Optometry faculty member Dr. Einat Shneor was recently elected to the prestigious European Academy of Optometry and Optics.
Students meet Knesset member Eitan Cabel
As part of the “meet the politicians” students from the Department of Politics and Communications meet with a number of politicians. Earlier this month, second and third-year students met with Knesset Member, Eitan Cabel.
Garden Rehabilitation
Two beautiful joint initiatives were created for a special project called, "For the Community." The work involved students from the Department of Biotechnology, residents and volunteers.
Haaretz / Sea turtle gets help from student
Senior student in Inclusive Industrial Design, Shlomi Gez's final project, was to design an artificial limb for a paraplegic sea turtle.