Accessibility Statement
The internet is currently the largest open source of information for users in general and especially for those with disabilities. For this reason, Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College places great importance on ensuring that all individuals benefit from equal access to information and enjoy a positive browsing experience on its website. To this end, Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College has invested considerable resources on the premise that that everyone deserves the right to a life of equality, dignity, well-being, and independence.
Accessibility of the Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College website was carried out by Nagish be Click (Accessible with a Click), a company that specializes in this field.
The website complies, to as great an extent as possible, with Israel’s “Equal Rights Regulations for People with Disabilities (Accessibility Accommodations for Services), 2013.”
Accessibility accommodations were made according to the provisions of the Israel Standards Institute “Standard for Web Content Accessibility” (IS 5568) at the AA level and the international “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.”
The site provides a semantic structure for assistive technologies and supports standard keyboard operations. For the best browsing experience with screen reading software, the latest version of NVDA is recommended.
The responsibility for the use and accessibility of this site, including the content displayed herein, lies with the site owners and/or their representatives, subject to Nagish be Click’s terms of use (in Hebrew).
Accessibility Controls
This site is powered by the accessibility software of Nagish be Click and operates through a dedicated accessibility server. The software allows the site to adhere to WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines at the AA level. The software is subject to the manufacturer's terms of use (in Hebrew).
An accessibility menu is located on the site. Clicking the accessibility button opens the menu containing accessibility options. After selecting a topic from the menu, please wait for the page to load.
The software works on popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Explorer 10+, Safari, Opera.
Accessibility Options in the Menu:
· Screen Reader Adjustment - adapts the site for assistive technologies such as NVDA and JAWS
· Keyboard Navigation - provides keyboard navigation options
· Blinks Blocking – stops blinking and flashing of moving elements
· Custom Color – changes site’s colors
· Monochrome – changes from color to black and white (for color blindness)
· Contrast Adjustments (Dark high-contrast/Light high-contrast) - changes site color contrast
· Font Sizing – increases font size to 4 different sizes
· Cursor – enlarges the cursor and changes its color
· Magnifier – enlarges the screen display
· Readable Font – changes the font for better legibility
· Image Descriptions – displays alternative text
· Highlight Links
· Highlight Headings
· Text Magnifier – increases size of selected text to 200%
· Accessibility Statement
· Accessibility Feedback Submission
Use of Third-Party Components and Websites
The use of third-party components or websites on the site such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X, external chats, or other external sites beyond Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College’s control, may pose challenges for people with disabilities. Unfortunately, these cannot be addressed by the accessibility software.
Below are examples of accessibility policies on third-party sites:
Instagram Accessibility Policy
Accessibility Arrangements at Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC)
Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) attaches great importance to providing equal, respectful, accessible, and professional service.
In accordance with Israel’s Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law 5758-1998 and regulations enacted thereunder, extensive efforts and resources have been invested to make the necessary accommodations so that individuals with disabilities can benefit equally and independently from the services provided by the college.
Campus Accessibility
Despite the fact that some of the campus buildings are historical sites set aside for preservation, Jerusalem Multidisciplinary Collegehas done everything in its power to make them accessible to the general public.
Actions taken at the college regarding accessibility:
· Widening of entrances and doorways in Building 1
· Addition of accessibility ramps within the college
· Marking of staircases and entrance halls with accessibility signs
· Installation of speakers in elevators
· Adjustment of elevator voice announcements
· Replacement of signage across the college
· Purchase of personal audio systems loaned to students
· Installation of the “Step-Hear” audio guide system
· Addition of assistive listening technology in the library, student administration office, and clinic reception offices
· Placement of accessible chairs in all classrooms
· Installation of accessible seating in public spaces for people with disabilities
· Construction of a ramp in the college courtyard
· Construction of accessible restrooms
· Replacement of elevator in Building 1 with an accessible model
· Addition of tactile paving and repair of signage on stairs
· Installation of a lift to the prayer space
· Addition of accessible services
· Renovation of the Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College main entrance to make it accessible
Accessible Customer Service
· Training of employees to provide accessible service: The program aims to familiarize employees with the subject, create awareness, and offer practical tools for providing accessible service.
· Accessible telephone hotline: The voice response has been made accessible by conveying information in a clear fashion without background music.
· Additional ways to contact the college:
The information desk and center are open Sundays-Thursdays, 9:00-17:00
Contact Form on the Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College website
Website Accessibility
Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) is committed to the goal of creating equal internet opportunities for people with disabilities and those relying on assistive technology for computer use. It has invested considerable resources in order to make the college’s website accessible and to enable everyone to browse it and benefit from its information.
Although a major effort has been put into improving the website and making it available, convenient, and user-friendly for people with disabilities, it is possible that due to the complexity of the site and the large amount of information that it contains, some elements may not have been adapted to meet all needs. Your feedback is very important, and if you encounter something that is as yet inaccessible, please contact us with your comments and suggestions. Our web team will do its best to respond and take steps rectify the situation in a timely manner.
Please direct inquiries to Ms. Gili Friedman Elharar;; 02-6291996.
Information about Website Accessibility
· This site complies with Israel’s “Equal Rights Regulations for People with Disabilities (Accessibility Accommodations for Services), 2013.”
· Accessibility accommodations were made according to the provisions of the Israel Standards Institute “Standard for Web Content Accessibility” (IS 5568) at the AA level and the international “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.”
· Tests were conducted to ensure the highest degree of compatibility with the Chrome browser.
· The site provides a semantic structure for assistive technologies and supports standard keyboard operations using arrow keys, Enter, and Esc to exit menus and windows.
· It is adapted for viewing on popular browsers and for use on mobile phones.
· For the best browsing experience with screen reading software, the latest version of NVDA is recommended.
· Documents or videos uploaded to the site before October 2017 may not be fully accessible. If you encounter such a document or video, please contact and the file will be made accessible
· Accessible Format Information Delivery – Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College offers its students, faculty and staff the option of receiving information in accessible formats. Information delivery is free of charge and intended for people with disabilities. For inquiries and information on accessibility, please contact the college’s accessibility coordinator whose contact information appears below.
Requests and Suggestions Regarding Accessibility
Please note that Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College continues its efforts to improve the college’s accessibility as part of its commitment to make its services available to the entire population, including those with disabilities.
If you encounter a problem or issue related to accessibility, please inform us, and we will make every effort to address the issue as soon as possible and find an appropriate solution.
Contact Information:
Coordinator of Academic Accessibility
Ms. Inbal Shalom Hai
Phone: +972-2-6291384
Building Accessibility
Ms. Sima Schari
Phone: +972-2-6291907
Website Accessibility
Ms. Gili Friedman Elharar
Phone: +972-2-6291996
Accessibility statement updated on: 21/05/24
For further reading on accessibility at Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) – Challenge Center (Hebrew)