The International Office’s mission is to promote internationalization at Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) in accordance with the College’s international vision. This is done through the following activities:
- Initiation of internationalization policy, strategy and objectives
- Cooperation with College departments in the planning of onsite and online international short-term, semester and full degree programs.
- Training of students, faculty and staff in international and intercultural competence.
- Cooperation with College departments in the internationalization of the curriculum
- Creation of opportunities for student, faculty and staff mobility including Erasmus programs
- Formulation of procedures and protocols for the registration and hosting of incoming students and the recruitment and support of outgoing students
- Projection of an international presence through the College’s website and social media
- Marketing of international programs
- Initiation of agreements with potential international partners
- Submission of proposals for international grants and projects and the monitoring of their implementation
- Administration of an Internationalization Quality Assessment program, monitoring of quality indicators and preparation of reports on the state of internationalization at the College