International OfficeInternational Courses

Summer Optometry Practicum

July 16th to July 24th, 2023

Click here to register for the Summer Optometry Practicum


A 9-day advanced optometry practicum that provides clinical experience with hands-on experience in a dynamic and culturally-rich environment. Participants will work closely with experienced optometrists and world-renown experts to develop their skills and learn about the latest advancements in optometry.

In addition to gaining valuable professional experience, participants also have the chance to immerse themselves in the rich cultural and historical heritage of Jerusalem. From exploring ancient landmarks to sampling the local cuisine, this program offers a unique and unforgettable experience in the heart of Jerusalem.


Clinical Structure and Descriptions

Topics Covered:

Vision Therapy Laboratory Learning Disabilities and Vision Laboratory Tomography: from Diagnosis to Treatment
Advanced Procedures Laboratory + Workshop Evidence-Based Practice Workshop Contact Lens Laboratory
Management of Keratoconus Workshop Cultural Diversity and Optometry Workshop Detection of Keratoconus Workshop



Vision Therapy Laboratory
- Practice your skills with vision therapy tools including: Berneloscope, vectograms, tranaglyphs, Marsden ball, eccentric circles, barrel and lifesaver cards, Hart chart and Brock string, HTS, VTS4, and SVI. An overview of which therapies apply to which specific patient groups and diagnoses will be discussed.

Learning Disabilities and Vision Laboratory - Familiarize yourself with using the Intuitive Colorimeter, Wilkin’s Rate of Reading Test, and prescribing colored overlays for patients with reading difficulties

Tomography from diagnosis to treatment workshop - Analyze case studies of patients with corneal abnormalities such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, etc.

Advanced Procedures laboratory - How to examine the retina using VOLK lenses, Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy, Ocular Coherence Tomography, and Fundus Photography. Measure intraocular pressure using Goldman Tonometry, and visual fields using Humphrey Perimetry.

Evidence-Based Practice Workshop - Obtain skills in answering clinical questions based on the best available evidence, conducting appropriate and specific literature searches, critiquing the literature, and applying it in patient care.

Contact Lens Laboratory - Measure and interpret aberrometry, topography, and tomography in contact lens fittings. Fit scleral and mini-scleral, hybrid, and Ortho-K lenses.

Keratoconus Workshop - Hands-on specialty contact lens fitting with actual patients with corneal abnormalities.

Cultural Diversity and Optometry Workshop – Learn about multiculturalism in the workplace and how to approach colleagues and patients from diverse backgrounds.

Detection of Keratoconus Workshop - Keratoconus Detection Based on the Annular Dark Shadow Reflex. A hands-on practical workshop on the implementation of an innovative new technique for diagnosis of keratoconus.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the practicum participants will be able to:

  • Examine the retina proficiently using VOLK lenses and biomicroscope, Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope, Ocular Coherence Tomographer, and Fundus camera
  • Test visual fields using Humphry Perimeter
  • Apply the Wilkin’s Rate of Reading Test on patients to assess their reading
  • Fit colored overlays to patients with reading difficulties
  • Successfully plan a vision therapy treatment protocol for patients with varying binocular visual anomalies
  • Use the Berneloscope, vectograms, tranaglyphs, Marsden ball, eccentric circles, barrel, and lifesaver cards, Hart chart, Brock string, and computer programs such as the HTS, VTS4, and SVI in vision therapy protocols
  • Measure, interpret, and apply tomography and aberrometry in contact lens fittings
  • Fit scleral and mini-scleral lenses, hybrid, Ortho-K, and other specialty lenses
  • Answer clinical questions based on best existing evidence, and critique the literature to apply best practices in patient care
  • Conduct appropriate and specific literature searches


Non-Clinical Experiences
(Subject to change)

  • Analysis of the Social Health Care System in the State of Israel
  • Tour of HaNeviim Street: The “Medical Center” of Israel in the Early 19th Century
  • Local Azrieli Art Gallery visit
  • International networking opportunities
  • International Film Festival in Jerusalem 2023*


Program Requirements

All participants must be licensed optometrists (from anywhere in the world) and provide a photo of their license.


Program Outcomes

This is a practical clinical experience course offered by the Master’s Program at the Optometry Department at Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC). 

Successful completion of this program will earn participants a physical certificate of completion from the department, with the completed number of clinical hours written.



The tuition cost of the practicum program is $400 USD.
(Tuition will be charged in our local NIS currency and is able to be divided into payments.)


Flights and accommodations are the responsibility of the participant to purchase and arrange.


Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) will pay for the scheduled recreational experiences listed above, excluding the International Film Festival in Jerusalem 2023.


Our International Office is available to support all participants in guidance regarding local transportation, arrangements, and expected costs.


Click here to register for the Summer Optometry Practicum

*The International Film Festival is an optional activity that would incur additional costs.

For registration assistance, please contact us at: