In addition to the main B.Sc. program in computer science, Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) offers a complimentary completion track for practical software engineers already working in the field who have yet to obtain a full degree:

This program is designed for outstanding practical engineers who are interested in continuing their studies towards a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science. The curriculum is designed using the full computer science program as its basis, while waiving certain topics that are covered in practical engineering studies. 

Students at the college

Admissions Criteria

Applicants must have completed their studies towards the practical engineer degree with a weighted final score of at least 85 consisting of 20% the final project; 40% the average of the MAHAT external exams; and 40% the average of the internal exams.

For applicants who have not yet completed their studies towards the practical engineer degree (acceptance is conditional upon completing all the requirements until the end of the first academic year):

A weighted score of at least 85 consisting of 20% the final project [if completed]; 40% the average of the MAHAT external exams [at least two]; and 40% the average of the internal exams [at least three semesters]. If the final project has not been completed yet - the requirement is for a weighted score of at least 85 consisting of 50% the average of the MAHAT external exams and 50% the average of the internal exams. In addition, a final score of at least 75 is required in the preparatory course in mathematics.

  • A grade of 185 in the English Amir exam.
  • A personal interview may also be required.

Duration of Studies

The duration of the program is two and half years (five academic semesters).

Preparatory Course in Mathematics

Studies begin with a three-week preparatory course in mathematics. The preparatory course reviews basic mathematics at a five-unit matriculation exam level. In addition, students study several topics in mathematics, needed as prerequisites for a number of academic courses. The grades of the preparatory course are taken into consideration in deciding whether to accept or reject candidates, and also in determining the study programs of students. The preparatory course is mandatory for all students.


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