Career Opportunities

The Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) B.Sc. in Environmental Quality Sciences Studies is intended for individuals who are interested in creating a healthy environment for mankind, and want a profession that incorporates a sound science base with an ethical mission. There is a strong demand for skilled environmental studies graduates in the private sector, in hi-tech and science based companies, research laboratories, consulting firms, as well as in the public sector in municipalities or the government ministries of the Environment or of Health, industry and water companies as Mekorot. Approximately thirty percent of program graduates choose to pursue advanced academic degrees before joining the job market in industry, the public sector or academia. Over seventy percent of program graduates find immediate work upon completion of their studies. Graduates find employment in government sectors that are responsible for health and the quality of the environment and in industry, research and development laboratories, hospitals, I.D.F- corps of medicine, green farms, Israel train ,consulting firms, teaching and in environmental and "green" NGO's.

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