Faculty and Staff - Management of Health Systems B.A.
Dr. Dina Herbet (Dr.)
Prof. Haim Knobler
Prof. Haim Knobler graduated from the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and did his residency in Psychiatry in the IDF and at the Jerusalem Mental Health Center, where he later served as a department director, and as the deputy director of the center.
Until 2005 he was the Head of the IDF Mental Health Department.
He was nominated clinical associate professor at the Hebrew University in 2010, and at Peres Academic Center in Rehovot in 2013. Some of his lectures and research interests are: Mental Health Management; Crisis intervention and intervention programs against post traumatic stress disorders among vulnerable populations; The long-term impact of the Holocaust, post traumatic growth and the resilience of trauma survivors; and Programs for the prevention of suicide.
He has published more than 120 scientific articles and chapters in professional books, and more than 80 abstracts in scientific conferences. He is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Prof. Knobler was the secretary of the Israeli Psychiatric Association, is the president of the Israeli-Polish Mental Health Association, and was the organizer and the head of the scientific committees of several national and international conferences.
During the current decade he is the chairperson of Magen David Adom Youth Organization, and the psychiatric consultant of MDA; the public's representative at the board and the head of the scientific committee of ERAN – the Israeli Association for Emotional First Aid by Telephone and the Internet, and a consultant to the Association of Israel's Disabled Veterans Association.
Hanna Gimmon-Yamin (M.B.A.)
Jonathan Korpel (M.A.)
Dr. Lior Naamati-Schneider
Senior Lecturer
Meir Assayag
Dr. Michael Khalemsky (Ph.D.)
Head of Information Systems Management specialization
Nela Marks
Dr. Noa Shviro Roseman