Message from the Department Heads

In Israel, as in most of the developed world, the health care industry has become a significant element in the national economy. With rising life expectancies and new diagnostics and treatment being developed every day, Israel faces a shortfall of trained health professionals so essential to the needs of a busy national health system.

Among these trained professionals are qualified medical laboratory technicians. These technicians perform essential procedures in a range of medical clinics. Their activities include performing basic diagnostic and analytical tests ordered by primary care or hospital physicians, to more complex laboratory practices such as testing tissues for transplant, in-vitro fertilization, genetic testing, microbiology and endocrinology tests, and more.

The field of medical laboratories has experienced a significant scientific and technological break-through in recent years. This reality requires medical laboratory workers to keep up-to-date of new developments, study and develop continuously in order to maintain a high professional level.

Prof. Ayelet Arbel-Eden
Head of BLMSc Program

Prof. Ann Saada Reisch
Head of MMLSc Program


Main Areas of Activity

The Department offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Medical Laboratory Sciences, and hosts a research laboratory in the field of Molecular Biology under the direction of Dr. Ayelet Arbel-Eden in collaboration with Professor Emeritus Giora Simchen.

Career Opportunities

Between one third and one half of those who complete the BMLSc degree continue on to advanced degrees in the fields of genetics, physiology, pharmacology, genetic therapy, virology, microbiology, all directly supporting medical research. Others find immediate employment in medical clinic and hospital laboratories, in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and in academic research centers. The program also serves as a pre-medical degree.

A master’s degree in medical laboratory sciences (MMLSc) enables the holder to advance to senior and management positions in medical, pharmaceutical and research laboratories. Notably, a master’s degree is now a prerequisite by the Israeli Ministry of Health to hold a senior position in medical laboratories.


For more information please contact:

Coordinator of Undergraduate Program

+972 2 629-1981


Coordinator of Graduate Program

+972 2 629-1353


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