2 credits total for both courses (3 ECTS Credits)


This advanced course offers clinical experience with visually impaired patients. Students gain an understanding of functional vision problems and acquire clinical techniques for examining and treating low vision patients.

Course Structure

The courses consist of frontal lectures and clinics, as well as clinical case presentations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Take an accurate history of a low vision patient, while interpreting medical information relevant to functional vision, such as OCT and visual field tests.
  2. Obtain and interpret information on significant symptoms in relation to low vision conditions and the patient’s concerns.
  3. Assess patients with impaired visual function.
  4. Advise on the use and practice of simple low vision aids including hand and stand magnifiers, telescopes, and handheld telescopes
  5. Advise on the use and practice of complex spectacle lens forms, including filter lenses, multifocal, high corrections, and their applications to specific patient needs.
  6. Adjust and advise on the use of electronic low vision aids such as CCTV, tablet, computer, and smartphone adjustments.
  7. Advise visually impaired patients about their impairment and disability.
  8. Refer for further assistance to rehabilitation services in the community that exist for this low vision population.

Topics Covered

  1. Low vision Examination techniques and routines.
  2. Investigation of medically relevant information for understanding functional vision ability
  3. Clinical measurement of visual acuity with adjusted low vision charts.
  4. Refraction adjustment for low vision patients.
  5. Decisions in diving spectacles, regarding the specific ocular pathology and functional vision.
  6. Prescription of optical low vision aids: hand and stand magnifiers, telescopic glasses, and hand-held telescopes.
  7. Advanced optical low vision aids: CCTV, tablet, computer and smartphone adjustments
  8. Non-optical low vision aids: lighting, filters, contrast and home adjustments
  9. Rehabilitation services in the community for low vision population.



  • Clinical Case Presentation – 70%
  • Written Case Report – 30%


  • Prof. Simon Barnard is a British optometrist (City University, 1976) with a PhD in the topic of eye movements (1999). He is a Fellow of the College of Optometrists, the American Academy of Optometry, and the European Academy of Optometry. Prof. Barnard is the Director of Ocular Medicine at the Institute of Optometry in London, a past member of the Board of Optometric Examiners and Chairman of the Scope of Practice Committee of the European Council of Optometry and Optics. An independent prescriber, Professor Barnard has published over 30 clinical papers in journals or books and is the Co-Editor and Author of the textbook Paediatric Eye Care. He is also a co-inventor of the Volk Eye Check and a world renowned lecturer in optometry.
  • Ms. Veronica Tzur-Halperin holds a B.Optom and an M.Optom from the Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC). She is a lecturer at the Jerusalem Multidisciplinary College (JMC) and the director of its Low Vision clinic, as well as the co-director of the Mabat Ophthalmology and Optometry Center and consultant to the Ministry of Welfare in the field of vision and rehabilitation for people with blindness. Ms. Halperin also lectures at the Lewinsky College and the Central School of the Ministry of Welfare, teaching courses such as: Visual Rehabilitation for the Visually Impaired, Low Vision, Advanced Optometry, and Pediatric Optometry. She has 19 years of experience as an optometrist at the Hadassah University Medical Center, working in the Ophthalmology and Michaelson Low Vision clinics.
  • Ms.Devora Mirsky is an optometrist with expertise in the field of low-vision. She has broad experience in eye exams and visual aid fittings, primarily from her work at the Michaelson Institute for Visual Rehabilitation at Hadassah Hospital. There, she is also responsible for laser-assisted cataract surgeries and participates in studies that are done in the ophthalmology Department. Additionally, she runs workshops about low vision for medical students and has lectured in the optometry course for ophthalmology residents. Devora manages the virtual community of AMD in “Kamoni” and presents lectures to public and professional audiences. At the College Devora directs low vision clinics for the Master’s program.

For information about registration, guest lecturers, and dates PRESS HERE


For more information:

Please contact: international@jmc.ac.il
Program Director: Dr. Liat Gantz
Program Administrator: Ms. Alisa Gania
Department Chairperson: Dr. Hadas Ben-Eli