Two-semester course 
3 credits (4.5 ECTS Credits)


In order to provide the student with a master's degree in optometry with a comprehensive knowledge of
research methods, types of research, research planning, how to critically read scientific literature, and
guidance in carrying out research work. Accompanying the student during the procedure of selecting
a suitable case, the student will clinically examine the case and write a report in the manner accepted in the
scientific literature.


Course Structure

  •  By the end of the first semester participants will select a review topic and a supervisor.
  • By the end of the second semester, the participants will state the rationale, question, study design and search strategy.
  • By the end of the fourth semester, students will submit a written report

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  1. Upon successful completion of the course, the student must be able to:
    1. Get to know the types of research, research methods and data processing methods
    2. 4 As of EBP:
    a. Assess (examine) a patient
    b. Ask a clinical question
    c. Find answers in the professional literature
    d. Assess the quality of what is in the professional literature
    3. Familiarize yourself with auxiliary programming for research such as Mendeley for managing a
    scientific bibliography, Goggle Forms for research questionnaires
    4. Read and review appropriate scientific literature
    5. State the strengths and weaknesses of studies
    6. Write a case study
    7. Write a systematic literature review

Topics Covered

  • Selection and definition of research question
  • Review of literature
  • Development of methodology
  • Collection of results
  • Analysis of results
  • Evaluation and Discussion


  • Evaluating the writing of the case study and how to perform it according to the rules learned by
    external examiners (90%) and evaluating the supervisors (10%).
    • There is a duty to attend and participate in open discussions
    • There is an obligation to attend the individual meetings with the relevant material ready
    Assignments: During the course the student will receive a number of articles to read, finding articles
    adapted to the topic of the student's case study, and present them in class.


  •  Dr. Hadas Ben Eli 


For information about registration, guest lecturers, and dates PRESS HERE


For more information:

Please contact:
Program Director: Dr. Liat Gantz
Program Administrator: Ms. Alisa Gania
Department Chairperson: Dr. Hadas Ben-Eli