Learning Disabilities And Vision


The role of visual problems in learning difficulties has been a controversial topic for over 80 years, with some arguing that visual problems play a major role in learning difficulties and others holding the opposite view. This course applies modern evidence-based scrutiny to this question and provides practical clinical tools that optometrists can use to help their patients with learning problems in the context of the wider evidence-base on the etiology of specific learning difficulties.

Course Structure

  • The course will be taught over three concentrated days

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the module students will be able to:

  1. Define what is dyslexia and describe how it is diagnosed
  2. Contrast between different types of dyslexia
  3. List the optometric examination procedures when examining a patient with dyslexia
  4. Describe the optometric management plan of a patient with dyslexia and vision problems
  5. Define evidence-based practice
  6. Contrast between different types of clinical study designs
  7. Describe the binocular vision and accommodative problems that are associated with learning disabilities
  8. List the diagnostic criteria for the binocular vision and accommodative problems from item “7”
  9. Describe the treatment and management of the binocular vision and accommodative problems from item “7”
  10. Define and describe the magno deficit associated with specific learning disabilities
  11. Define and describe eye movements, their diagnosis and their association with dyslexia and learning disabilities
  12. Describe how optometrists can detect and diagnose incomitant deviations
  13. Define and describe Sensory Visual Stress (Meares- Irlen) syndrome
  14. Define pattern glare and rate of reading, how they are measured clinically and their relationship to reading difficulties and symptoms
  15. Describe the application of colored filters for reading difficulties associated with learning disabilities/ multiple sclerosis/ autism spectrum/visually precipitated migraine and epilepsy
  16. Critically assess research papers to make a clinical decision about a therapy for visual problems related to learning disabilities

Topics Covered

  • The evidence-based approach & how to deal with controversy in clinical practice
  • Etiology of dyslexia and other learning difficulties
  • Role and management of binocular vision & accommodation anomalies in learning difficulties
  • Pursuit and saccadic eye movements and learning
  • Visual perceptual skills and memory skills in learning difficulties
  • Why is visual stress and the use of colored filters still controversial?


  • Final exam for students seeking academic credit


  • Prof. Bruce Evans is the Director of Research at the Institute of Optometry and Visiting Professor at City University and London South Bank University. His main areas of research are children’s vision, dyslexia, orthoptics, contact lenses, and headaches including migraine. He has authored over 240 scientific and professional papers, five editions of books on binocular vision and two on dyslexia and vision, and has given more than 250 invited lectures.


For information about registration, guest lecturers, and dates PRESS HERE


For more information:

Please contact: international@jmc.ac.il
Program Director: Dr. Liat Gantz
Program Administrator: Ms. Alisa Gania
Department Chairperson: Dr. Hadas Ben-Eli