Message from the School Head
The goal of studies at the School of Management is to provide students with extensive knowledge in the field, along with skills and abilities that will help them integrate into the job market.
Dr. Iris Yaffe
Head of the School
Main Areas of Activity
The school offers a BA in Management and an MA in Management of Service Organizations. The MA program includes certification in Product Management.
Key areas of studies:
- Management Studies
- Presentation Skills
- Management and Teamwork Development
- Marketing Studies
Career Opportunities
Graduates are in exceptionally high demand in the domestic job market because they have been trained to respond to an ongoing culture shift in Israeli customer service. Today, domestic and international clients as well as employees themselves expect an international standard of quality service and efficient management. While in the past these attributes were sometimes lacking in Israeli industry, today's increasingly globalized market has led to a major paradigm shift in the way Israeli companies and organizations do business both at home and abroad. Customer service has therefore become a primary competitive tool in the business market. New graduates with specific skills in this field are highly prized as organizations seek service managers with the know-how to meet twenty-first century business needs and customer/employee expectations.
After completing their studies, graduates soon find employment in hospitals, health clinics, hotels, tourist sites, and a wide range of human resource positions in the private sector.