![פרופ' שחר הוד (Ph.D)](/media/4036880/שחר-הוד.png?rmode=crop&width=94&height=135&v=1d5e24966a7f170)
פרופ' שחר הוד (Ph.D)
מרצה וחוקר, החוג למדעי איכות הסביבה והחוג למדעי המעבדה הרפואית
- תורת-היחסות של אינשטיין
- פיזיקה של חורים-שחורים
- יחסות כללית סמי-קלאסית
- פיזיקה בין-תחומית
Articles in Refereed Journals
I.F = Impact Factor.
R = Rank.
N = Number of citations.
* = Publications since last promotion.
For papers published in the Physical Review: (x-y) means page numbers.
My h-index = 33
(1) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Fine structure of Choptuik's mass-scaling relation,
Physical Review D 55, Rapid Communication, 440-442 (1997).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 67
(2) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Critical behavior and universality in gravitational collapse of a charged scalar field,
Physical Review D 55, 3485-3496 (1997).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 68
(3) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Late-time evolution of charged gravitational collapse and decay of charged scalar hair – I,
Physical Review D 58, 024017(1-6) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 107
(4) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Late-time evolution of charged gravitational collapse and decay of charged scalar hair – II,
Physical Review D 58, 024018(1-6) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 72
(5) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Late-time evolution of charged gravitational collapse and decay of charged scalar hair - III. Nonlinear analysis,
Physical Review D 58, 024019(1-6) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 64
(6) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Late-time tails in gravitational collapse of a self-interacting (massive) scalar-field and decay of a self-interacting scalar hair,
Physical Review D 58, 044018(1-6) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 86
(7) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Mass inflation in dynamical gravitational collapse of a charged scalar field, Physical Review Letters 81, 1554-1557 (1998).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 89
(8) S. Hod and T. Piran,
The inner structure of black holes,
General Relativity and Gravitation 30, 1555-1559 (1998).
[This essay is awarded 2nd Prize in the 1998 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation].
I.F=1.72; R=39/78
N = 40
(9) S. Hod,
Late-time evolution of realistic rotating collapse and the no-hair theorem, Physical Review D 58, 104022(1-7) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 68
(10) S. Hod,
Bohr's correspondence principle and the area spectrum of quantum black holes,
Physical Review Letters 81, 4293-4296 (1998).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 608
(11) S. Hod,
Best approximation to a reversible process in black-hole physics and the area spectrum of spherical black holes,
Physical Review D 59, 024014(1-4) (1998).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 64
(12) S. Hod,
Black-hole polarization and cosmic censorship,
Physical Review D 60, 104031(1-3) (1999).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 16
(13) S. Hod,
High-order contamination in the tail of gravitational collapse,
Physical Review D 60, 104053(1-4) (1999).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 31
(14) S. Hod,
Mode-coupling in rotating gravitational collapse of a scalar field,
Physical Review D 61, 024033(1-8) (1999).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 57
(15) S. Hod,
Universal entropy bound for rotating systems,
Physical Review D 61, 024018(1-4) (1999).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 25
(16) S. Hod,
Improved upper bound to the entropy of a charged system,
Physical Review D 61, 024023(1-3) (1999).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 37
(17) S. Hod,
Gravitation, the quantum, and Bohr's correspondence principle,
General Relativity and Gravitation 31, 1639-1644 (1999).
[This essay is awarded 5th Prize in the 1999 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation].
I.F=1.72; R=39/78
N = 54
(18) S. Hod,
Mode-coupling in rotating gravitational collapse: Gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations,
Physical Review D 61, 064018(1-7) (2000).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 36
(19) S. Hod,
Cosmic censorship: The role of quantum physics,
e-print gr-qc/9908004 (1999).
N = 7
(20) S. Hod,
Radiative tail of realistic rotating gravitational collapse,
Physical Review Letters 84, 10-13 (2000).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 52
(21) S. Hod and T. Piran,
Cosmic censorship: The role of quantum gravity,
General Relativity and Gravitation 30, 1555-1559 (2000).
[This essay is awarded 2nd Prize in the 2000 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation].
I.F=1.72; R=39/78
N = 25
(22) S. Hod,
Evidence for a null entropy of extremal black holes,
Physical Review D 61, 084018(1-4) (2000).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 12
(23) S. Hod,
Black-hole radiation, the fundamental area unit, and the spectrum of particle species,
Physical Review D 61, 124016(1-3) (2000).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 9
(24) S. Hod,
Wave tails in nontrivial backgrounds,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 18, 1311-1314 (2001).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 26
(25) S. Hod,
Discrete black-hole radiation and the information loss paradox,
Physics Letters A 299, 144-149 (2002).
I.F=1.86 ; R=39/78
N = 22
(26) S. Hod and E. Nakar,
Self-segregation versus clustering in the evolutionary minority game,
Physical Review Letters 88, 238702(1-4) (2002).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 85
(27) S. Hod,
Wave tails in time-dependent backgrounds,
Physical Review D 66, 024001(1-4) (2002).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 27
(28) S. Hod,
Cosmic censorship, area theorem, and self-energy of particles,
Physical Review D 66, 024016(1-4) (2002).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 29
(29) E. Nakar and S. Hod,
Temporal oscillations and phase transitions in the evolutionary minority game, Physical Review E 67, 016109(1-5) (2003).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 22
(30) S. Hod,
Time-dependent random walks and the theory of complex adaptive systems, Physical Review Letters 90, 128701(1-4) (2003).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 23
(31) S. Hod,
Kerr black-hole quasinormal frequencies,
Physical Review D 67, Rapid Communication, 081501(1-3) (2003).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 53
(32) S. Hod and E. Nakar,
Strategy updating rules and strategy distributions in dynamical multiagent systems,
Physical Review E 68, 026115(1-4) (2003).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 14
(33) S. Hod and E. Nakar,
Reply to comment on Self-Segregation versus Clustering in the Evolution Minority Game,
Physical Review Letters 91, 189802(1) (2003).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 2
(34) S. Hod and U. Keshet,
Phase transition in random walks with long-range correlations,
Physical Review E 70, Rapid Communication, 015104(1-4) (2004).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 39
(35) S. Hod and E. Nakar,
Evolutionary minority game: the roles of response time and mutation threshold,
Physical Review E 69, 066122(1-4) (2004).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 4
(36) E. Nakar and S. Hod,
Survival probabilities in time-dependent random walks,
Physical Review E 70, 016116(1-4) (2004).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 9
(37) S. Hod,
High-order corrections to the entropy and area of quantum black holes, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Letter to the Editor, volume 21, 97-100 (2004).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 52
(38) S. Hod and U. Keshet,
Intermediate asymptotics of the Kerr quasinormal spectrum,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Letter to the Editor, volume 22, 71-74 (2005).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 22
(39) U. Keshet and S. Hod,
Survival probabilities of history-dependent random walks,
Physical Review E 72, 046144(1-3) (2005).
I.F=2.27 ; R=6/55
N = 11
(40) S. Hod and U. Kehset,
Selection rules for black-hole quantum transitions,
Physical Review D 73, 024003(1-4) (2006).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 6
(41) S. Hod,
Quasinormal spectrum and quantization of charged black holes,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Letter to the Editor, volume 23, 23-28 (2006).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 42
(42) S. Hod,
Universal bound on dynamical relaxation times and black-hole quasinormal ringing,
Physical Review D 75, 064013(1-5) (2007).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 70
(43) U. Keshet and S. Hod,
Analytic study of rotating black-hole quasinormal modes,
Physical Review D 76, Rapid Communication, 061501(1-5) (2007).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 50
(44) S. Hod,
Near extreme black holes and the universal relaxation bound,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 4235-4237 (2007).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 33
(45) S. Hod,
On the quantization of a multi-horizon black hole,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 4871-4874 (2007).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 12
(46) S. Hod,
Einstein-Yang-Mills solitons: the role of gravity,
Physics Letters B 657, 255 (2007).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 7
(47) S. Hod,
Bounds on the mass-to-radius ratio for non-compact field configurations, Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 6019-6024 (2007).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 6
(48) S. Hod,
Black holes have a good temper(ature),
International Journal of Modern Physics D 17, 563-566 (2008).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2007].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
(49) S. Hod,
Lifetime of unstable hairy black holes,
Physics Letters B 661, 175 (2008).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 17
(50) S. Hod,
Weak cosmic censorship: As strong as ever,
Physical Review Letters 100, 121101 (2008).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 74
(51) S. Hod,
Quasinormal resonances of near-extremal Kerr-Newman black holes,
Physics Letters B 666, 483 (2008).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 37
(52) S. Hod,
Return of the quantum cosmic censor,
Physics Letters B 668, 346 (2008).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 23
(53) S. Hod,
Slow relaxation of rapidly rotating black holes,
Physical Review D 78, 084035(1-5) (2008).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 69
(54) S. Hod,
Black-hole quasinormal resonances: Wave analysis versus a geometric-optics approximation,
Physical Review D 80, 064004(1-4) (2009).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 35
(55) S. Hod,
How pure is the tail of gravitational collapse?
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26, 028001 (2009).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 16
(56) S. Hod,
From thermodynamics to the bound on viscosity,
Nuclear Physics B 819, 177-182 (2009).
I.F=3.19 ; R=11/29
N = 1
(57) S. Hod,
Gravitation, thermodynamics, and the bound on viscosity,
General Relativity and Gravitation 41, 2295-2299 (2009).
[Also published in: International Journal of Modern Physics D 18, 2337-2341 (2009).]
[This essay is awarded 3rd Prize in the 2009 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation].
I.F=1.72; R=39/78
N = 5
(58) S. Hod and O. Hod,
Analytic treatment of the black-hole bomb,
Physical Review D 81, Rapid Communication, 061502(1-5) (2010).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 76
(59) S. Hod,
Relaxation dynamics of charged gravitational collapse,
Physics Letters A 374, 2901 (2010).
I.F=1.86 ; R=39/78
N = 25
(60) S. Hod,
Universal charge–mass relation: From black holes to atomic nuclei,
Physics Letters B 693, 339-342 (2010).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 11
(61) S. Hod,
Quantum buoyancy, generalized second law, and higher-dimensional entropy bounds,
Journal of High Energy Physics 1012, 033(1-10)(2010).
I.F=5.54 ; R=4/29
N = 4
(62) S. Hod,
Analytic treatment of the network synchronization problem with time delays, Physical Review Letters 105, 208701(1-4) (2010).
I.F=8.84 ; R=6/78
N = 23
(63) S. Hod,
Gravitation, thermodynamics, and the fine-structure constant,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 19, 2319-2323 (2010).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2010].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
(64) S. Hod,
Higher-dimensional violations of the holographic entropy bound,
Physics Letters B 695, 294-297 (2011).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 6
(65) S. Hod,
Bulk emission by higher-dimensional black holes: almost perfect blackbody radiation,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 28, 105016(1-7) (2011).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 16
(66) S. Hod,
Hyperentropic systems and the generalized second law of thermodynamics,
Physics Letters B 700, 75-78 (2011).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 5
(67) S. Hod,
Quasinormal resonances of a massive scalar field in a near-extremal Kerr black hole spacetime,
Physical Review D 84, 044046(1-5) (2011).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 28
(68) S. Hod,
The fastest way to circle a black hole,
Physical Review D 84, 104024(1-5) (2011).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 13
(69) S. Hod,
Hairy black holes and null circular geodesics,
Physical Review D 84, 124030(1-5) (2011).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 26
(70) S. Hod,
Gravitation, holographic principle, and the number of spatial dimensions,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 20, 2781–2786 (2011).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2011].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
N = 1
(71) S. Hod,
On the instability regime of the rotating Kerr spacetime to massive scalar perturbations,
Physics Letters B 708, 320-323 (2012).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 49
(72) S. Hod,
Quasinormal resonances of a charged scalar field in a charged Reissner- Nordström black-hole spacetime: A WKB analysis,
Physics Letters B 710, 349-351 (2012).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 25
(73) S. Hod,
Stability of the extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole to charged scalar perturbations,
Physics Letters B 713, 505-508(2012).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 53
(74) S. Hod,
Resonance spectrum of near-extremal Kerr black holes in the eikonal limit,
Physics Letters B 715, 348-351 (2012).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 26
(75) S. Hod,
Asymptotic spectrum of the oblate spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics: A WKB analysis,
Physics Letters B 717, 462-464 (2012).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 16
(76) S. Hod,
Stationary scalar clouds around rotating black holes,
Physical Review D 86, 104026(1-5) (2012).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 82
(77) S. Hod,
Black holes have long hair,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 21, 1242003(1-5) (2012).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2012].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
N = 1
(78) S. Hod,
No-bomb theorem for charged Reissner-Nordström black holes,
Physics Letters B 718, 1489-1492 (2013).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 45
(79) S. Hod,
Spherical null geodesics of rotating Kerr black holes,
Physics Letters B 718, 1552-1556 (2013).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 8
(80) S. Hod,
Analytic toy model for the innermost stable circular orbit shift,
Physical Review D 87, 024036(1-4) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 11
(81) S. Hod,
Cosmic censorship: Formation of a shielding horizon around a fragile horizon,
Physical Review D 87, 024037(1-4) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 11
(82) S. Hod,
Black-hole perturbation theory: The asymptotic spectrum of the prolate spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics,
Physical Review D 87, 064017 (1-4) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 14
(83) S. Hod,
Stationary resonances of rapidly-rotating Kerr black holes,
The European Physical Journal C 73, 2378-2382 (2013).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 51
(84) S. Hod,
Propagation and scattering of waves in inhomogeneous optical media,
Journal of Optics 15, 105702(1-4) (2013).
I.F=2.32 ; R=35/94
(85) S. Hod,
Scattering by a long-range potential,
Journal of High Energy Physics 09, 056(1-10)(2013).
I.F=5.54 ; R=4/29
N = 4
(86) S. Hod,
The gravitational two-body problem in the vicinity of the light ring: Insights from the black-hole-ring toy model,
Physics Letters B 726, 533-536 (2013).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 2
(87) S. Hod,
Analytic treatment of the charged black-hole-mirror bomb in the highly explosive regime,
Physical Review D 88, 064055(1-6) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 52
(88) S. Hod,
Marginally bound (critical) geodesics of rapidly rotating black holes,
Physical Review D 88, 087502(1-5) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 1
(89) S. Hod,
Purely imaginary polar resonances of rapidly-rotating Kerr black holes,
Physical Review D 88, 084018(1-6) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 8
(90) S. Hod,
Asymptotic late-time tails of massive spin-2 fields,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 30, 237002(1-8) (2013).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 8
(91) S. Hod,
Upper bound on the radii of black-hole photonspheres,
Physics Letters B 727, 345-348 (2013).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 3
(92) S. Hod,
Algebraically special resonances of the Kerr-black-hole-mirror bomb,
Physical Review D 88, 124007(1-7) (2013).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 19
(93) S. Hod,
A simplified two-body problem in general relativity,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 22, 1342029(1-7) (2013).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2013].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
N = 1
(94) S. Hod,
Self-gravitating ring of matter in orbit around a black hole: The innermost stable circular orbit,
The European Physical Journal C 74, 2840(1-5) (2014).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 2
(95) S. Hod,
Onset of superradiant instabilities in the hydrodynamic vortex model,
Physical Review D 90, 027501(1-5) (2014).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 6
(96) S. Hod,
Kerr-Newman black holes with stationary charged scalar clouds,
Physical Review D 90, 024051(1-7) (2014).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 40
(97) S. Hod,
Onset of superradiant instabilities in the composed Kerr-black-hole-mirror bomb,
Physics Letters B 736, 398-402 (2014).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 15
(98) S. Hod,
Resonance spectra of caged black holes,
The European Physical Journal C 74, 3137(1-5) (2014).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 8
(99) S. Hod,
The instability spectrum of weakly-magnetized SU(2) Reissner–Nordström black holes,
Physics Letters B 739, 157-161 (2014).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 3
(100) S. Hod,
Rotating black holes can have short bristles,
Physics Letters B 739, 196-200 (2014).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 37
(101) S. Hod,
Self-gravitating field configurations: The role of the energy-momentum trace,Physics Letters B 739, 383-386 (2014).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 4
(102) S. Hod,
Stability of highly-charged Reissner–Nordström black holes to charged scalar perturbations, Physical Review D 91, 044047(1-7) (2015).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 23
(103) S. Hod,
Do all D-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes behave as one-dimensional entropy emitters?
Physics Letters B 746, 22-24 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 7
(104) S. Hod,
Numerical evidence for universality in the excited instability spectrum of magnetically charged Reissner-Nordström black holes,
The European Physical Journal C 75, 180(1-3) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 1
(105) S. Hod,
Eigenvalue spectrum of the spheroidal harmonics: A uniform asymptotic analysis,
Physics Letters B 746, 365-367 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 8
(106) S. Hod,
Universality in the relaxation dynamics of the composed black-hole-charged-massive-scalar-field system: The role of quantum Schwinger discharge,
Physics Letters B 747, 339-344 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 7
(107) S. Hod,
Quantum-gravity fluctuations and the black-hole temperature,
The European Physical Journal C (Letter) 75, 233(1-3) (2015).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2014].
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 1
(108) S. Hod,
Universality of the quasinormal spectrum of near-extremal Kerr-Newman black holes,
The European Physical Journal C (Letter) 75, 272(1-3) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 4
(109) S. Hod,
The Hawking evaporation process of rapidly-rotating black holes: An almost continuous cascade of gravitons,
The European Physical Journal C 75, 329(C1-C3) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 10
(110) S. Hod,
The large-mass limit of cloudy black holes,
Classical and Quantum Gravity (invited Focus paper) 32, 134002(1-16) (2015).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 23
(111) S. Hod,
The quantum emission spectra of rapidly-rotating Kerr black holes: Discrete or continuous?
Physics Letters B 749, 115-118 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 1
(112) S. Hod,
Quasi-bound states of massive scalar fields in the Kerr black-hole spacetime: Beyond the hydrogenic approximation,
Physics Letters B 749, 167-171 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 10
(113) S. Hod,
Ten shades of black,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 24, 1544007(1-5) (2015).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2015].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
N = 1
(114) S. Hod,
Extremal Kerr-Newman black holes with extremely short charged scalar hair,
Physics Letters B 751, 177-183 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 12
(115) S. Hod,
On the branching of the quasinormal resonances of near-extremal Kerr black holes,
The European Physical Journal C 75, 520(1-3) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
N = 3
(116) S. Hod,
Bekenstein's generalized second law of thermodynamics: The role of the hoop conjecture,
Physics Letters B 751, 241-245 (2015).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 4
(117) S. Hod,
Dragging of inertial frames in the composed black-hole-ring system,
The European Physical Journal C 75, 541(1-4) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(118) S. Hod,
Numerical evidence for universality in the relaxation dynamics of near-extremal Kerr-Newman black holes,
The European Physical Journal C 75, 611(1-3) (2015).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(119) S. Hod,
A note on black-hole physics, cosmic censorship, and the charge-mass relation of atomic nuclei,
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33, 037001(1-5) (2016).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
(120) S. Hod,
The charged black-hole bomb: A lower bound on the charge-to-mass ratio of the explosive scalar field,
Physics Letters B 755, 177-182 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 9
(121) S. Hod,
The Hawking cascades of gravitons from higher-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes,
Physics Letters B 756, 133-136 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 3
(122) S. Hod,
Hawking radiation and the Stefan-Boltzmann law: The effective radius of the black-hole quantum atmosphere,
Physics Letters B 757, 121-124 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 3
(123) S. Hod,
A no-short scalar hair theorem for rotating Kerr black holes,
Classical and Quantum Gravity (invited Focus paper) 33, 114001 (2016).
I.F=3.28 ; R=13/78
N = 12
(124) S. Hod,
Entropy emission properties of near-extremal Reissner-Nordström black holes,
Physical Review D 93, 104027(1-4) (2016).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 2
(125) S. Hod,
The superradiant instability regime of the spinning Kerr black hole,
Physics Letters B 758, 181-185 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 11
(126) S. Hod,
A lower bound on the Bekenstein-Hawking temperature of black holes,
Physics Letters B 759, 541-545 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(127) S. Hod,
Upper bound on the center-of-mass energy of the collisional Penrose process,
Physics Letters B 759, 593-595 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(128) S. Hod,
Analytic treatment of the system of a Kerr-Newman black hole and a charged massive scalar field,
Physical Review D 94, 044036(1-10) (2016).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 3
(129) S. Hod,
Slowly decaying resonances of charged massive scalar fields in the Reissner-Nordström black-hole spacetime,
Physics Letters B 761, 53-57 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(130) S. Hod,
A mystery of black-hole gravitational resonances,
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08, 066(1-7) (2016).
I.F=5.13 ; R=6/29
(131) S. Hod,
The spinning Kerr-black-hole-mirror bomb: A lower bound on the radius of the reflecting mirror,
Physics Letters B 761, 326-332 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 2
(132) S. Hod,
Charged massive scalar field configurations supported by a spherically symmetric charged reflecting shell,
Physics Letters B 763, 275-279 (2016).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
N = 2
(133) S. Hod,
No-scalar-hair theorem for spherically symmetric reflecting stars,
Physical Review D 94, 104073(1-3) (2016).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
N = 2
(134) S. Hod,
Natural broadening in the quantum emission spectra of higher-dimensional Schwarzschild black holes,
Physical Review D 95, 024012(1-7) (2017).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(135) S. Hod,
Spinning Kerr black holes with stationary massive scalar clouds: The large-coupling regime,
Journal of High Energy Physics 01, 030(1-16)(2017).
I.F=5.54 ; R=4/29
N = 1
(136) S. Hod,
Marginally bound resonances of charged massive scalar fields in the background of a charged reflecting shell,
Physics Letters B 768, 97-102 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(137) S. Hod,
Analytic treatment of the excited instability spectra of the magnetically charged SU(2) Reissner-Nordström black holes,
Journal of High Energy Physics 03, 072(1-11)(2017).
I.F=5.54 ; R=4/29
(138) S. Hod,
Stationary bound-state scalar configurations supported by rapidly-spinning exotic compact objects,
Physics Letters B 770, 186-192 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/2
(139) S. Hod,
Quasi-bound state resonances of charged massive scalar fields in the near extremal Reissner-Nordström black-hole spacetime,
The European Physical Journal C 77, 351(1-6) (2017).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(140) S. Hod,
A proof of the weak gravity conjecture,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 26, 1742004(1-6) (2017).
[This essay is awarded 4th Prize in the 2017 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
(141) S. Hod,
No nonminimally coupled massless scalar hair for spherically symmetric neutral black holes,
Physics Letters B 771, 521-523 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(142) S. Hod,
Onset of superradiant instabilities in rotating spacetimes of exotic compact objects,
Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 132(1-17)(2017).
I.F=5.54 ; R=4/29
(143) S. Hod,
No nonminimally coupled massless scalar hair for spherically symmetric neutral reflecting stars,
Physical Review D 96, 024019(1-5) (2017).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(144) S. Hod,
Viscosity bound versus the universal relaxation bound,
Annals of Physics 385, 591-597 (2017).
I.F=2.27 ; R=20/78
(145) S. Hod,
No hair for spherically symmetric neutral reflecting stars: nonminimally coupled massive scalar fields,
Physics Letters B 773, 208-212 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(146) S. Hod,
Marginally stable resonant modes of the polytropic hydrodynamic vortex,
Physics Letters B 774, 368-378 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(147) S. Hod,
Ultra-spinning exotic compact objects supporting static massless scalar field configurations,
Physics Letters B 774, 582-590 (2017).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(148) S. Hod,
Highly excited bound-state resonances of short-range inverse power-law potentials,
The European Physical Journal C 77, 774(1-5) (2017).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(149) S. Hod,
No hair for spherically symmetric neutral black holes: nonminimally coupled massive scalar fields,
Physical Review D 96, 124037(1-6) (2017).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(150) S. Hod,
Stationary bound-state massive scalar field configurations supported by
spherically symmetric compact reflecting stars,
The European Physical Journal C 77, 899(1-9) (2017).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(151) S. Hod,
On the number of light rings in curved spacetimes of ultra-compact objects,
Physics Letters B 776, 1-4 (2018).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(152) S. Hod,
No-go theorem for static boson stars,
Physics Letters B 778, 239-241 (2018).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(153) S. Hod,
Charged reflecting stars supporting charged massive scalar field configurations,
The European Physical Journal C 78, 173(1-7) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(154) S. Hod,
Quasinormal modes and strong cosmic censorship in near-extremal Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black-hole spacetimes,
Physics Letters B 780, 221-226 (2018).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(155) S. Hod,
Lower bound on the compactness of isotropic ultracompact objects,
Physical Review D 97, 084018(1-4) (2018).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(156) S. Hod,
Analytic study of self-gravitating polytropic spheres with light rings,
The European Physical Journal C 78, 417(1-6) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(157) S. Hod,
Holographic entropy bound in higher-dimensional spacetimes,
Physical Review D 97, 126012(1-4) (2018).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(158) S. Hod,
The Hawking paradox and the Bekenstein resolution in higher-dimensional spacetimes,
Nuclear Physics B 933, 299-305 (2018).
I.F=3.19 ; R=11/29
(159) S. Hod,
Black-hole evaporation, cosmic censorship, and a quantum lower bound on the Bekenstein-Hawking temperature,
The European Physical Journal C (Letter) 78, 634(1-4) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(160) S. Hod,
Lower bound on the radii of circular orbits in the extremal Kerr black-hole spacetime,
The European Physical Journal C 78, 725(1-3) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(161) S. Hod,
Upper bound on the gravitational masses of stable spatially regular charged compact objects,
Physical Review D 98, 064014(1-4) (2018).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(162) S. Hod,
The instability spectra of near-extremal Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black holes,
Physics Letters B 786, 217-222 (2018).
I.F=4.16 ; R=4/20
(163) S. Hod,
Fermat's principle in black-hole spacetimes,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 27, 1847025(1-5) (2018).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2018].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
(164) S. Hod,
Energy spectrum of the long-range Lennard-Jones potential,
The European Physical Journal Plus 133, 489(1-6) (2018).
I.F=2.61 ; R=5/29
(165) S. Hod,
A quantum bound on the thermodynamic description of gravity,
The European Physical Journal Plus 133, 501(1-3) (2018).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2016].
I.F=2.61 ; R=5/29
(166) S. Hod,
The Reissner-Nordström black hole with the fastest relaxation rate,
The European Physical Journal C 78, 935(1-5) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(167) S. Hod,
On the status of the hoop conjecture in charged curved spacetimes,
The European Physical Journal C 78, 1013(1-2) (2018).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(168) S. Hod,
No-go theorem for spatially regular boson stars made of static nonminimally coupled massive scalar fields, The European Physical Journal C 79, 26(1-5) (2019).
I.F=4.84 ; R=5/29
(169) S. Hod,
The gravitational two-body system: The role of the Thorne hoop conjecture,
The European Physical Journal Plus 134, 106(1-4) (2019).
I.F=2.61 ; R=5/29
(170) S. Hod,
Strong cosmic censorship in charged black-hole spacetimes: As strong as ever
Nuclear Physics B 941, 636-645 (2019).
I.F=3.19 ; R=11/29
(171) S. Hod,
Survival probabilities in the Sisyphus random walk model with absorbing traps,
Annals of Physics 406, 200-206 (2019).
I.F=2.27 ; R=20/78
(172) S. Hod,
Upper bound on the energies of the emitted Hawking quanta,
Nuclear Physics B 942, 184-187 (2019).
I.F=3.19 ; R=11/29
(173) S. Hod,
Spontaneous scalarization of Gauss-Bonnet black holes: Analytic treatment in the linearized regime,
Physical Review D 100, 064039(1-5) (2019).
I.F=4.37 ; R=7/29
(174) S. Hod,
Hawking radiation may violate the Penrose cosmic censorship conjecture,
International Journal of Modern Physics D 28, 1944023(1-5) (2019).
[This essay received an Honorable Mention from the Gravity Research Foundation 2019].
I.F=2.00 ; R=33/66
(175) S. Hod,
Strong cosmic censorship and the universal relaxation bound,
Nuclear Physics B 948, 114772(1-5) (2019).
I.F=3.19 ; R=11/29