Monocular estimation method (MEM) is a commonly used objective test of accommodative response. This study will compare the accommodative response using MEM vs. new digital/computerized MEM application that we have created in order to understand technology’s effect on the accommodative response.
healthy subjects with good acuity (6/6; J2 for near and distance respectively) and normal binocular vision have participated in the study. Retinoscopy and subjective exams, NPC, cover test, amplitude of accommodation were tested. The original MEM test and the MEM application were tested 3 times by different and masked examiners. Half of the subjects started with the original MEM test. . There were 5 different MEM application cards: with 0%, 50% and 100% BL (background luminance), an animated moving text, and a card with a blue colored background and red writing. Results were compared with the Correlation and Paired T tests.
40 subjects between the ages of 18-40 (average age 24.43 ± 3.32) were examined. We found on average a Lag of 0.67, 0.68, 0.56, 041, 0.34, 0.40D accommodation for the Original MEM, MEM with 0%, 50%, and 100% background luminance, MEM in color and MEM with movement, respectively. There is a statistical significance difference between the original MEM and all of the MEM tests on the application (p<0.05) except for the MEM with 0% background luminance (p=0.84, R=0.74).
The accommodative response that is measured by the MEM application is directly linked to the illumination levels of the screen. This may have clinical implications.