מחקר וולידציה של מבחן DYOP במדידת חדות ראייה
Validation study between DYOP® Test & Log-MAR Chart in Visual Acuity Measurements
שמות הסטודנטים: ענבר וונטש ונדב וולף
שם המנחות: גברת דיינה פריצקי וד"ר ליאת גנץ
Introduction: Standard Visual acuity (VA) charts contain stationary optotypes, but everyday life is made up of dynamic, mobile elements. The DYOP VA chart (Chart 2020®) was created to examine dynamic VA by incorporating a spinning optotype. This study examined the agreement and inter- and intra-test repeatability for VA between the DYOP and the LogMAR tests.
Methods: Monocular right eye VA was measured three consecutive times with the LogMAR and DYOP charts, in random order. The test duration was recorded and a subjective comparative questionnaire was filled out. Inter-test repeatability was assessed by repeating the measurements after 1-2 weeks and analyzing with correlation, paired t-tests and Bland and Altman analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to asses intra-test repeatability.
Results: 36 subjects (31 women, mean age: 26.83±6.79, range: 22-54) participated in the study. VA was highly correlated, although significantly different, between tests (R=0.90, p<0.0001). Bland and Altman analysis showed a small mean difference between tests (0.05±0.07 log units; ~2.5 optotypes), with 0.26 log units limits of agreement (~13 optotypes). Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.96 (0.93-0.98) for both charts. Inter-test repeatability was statistically (p<0.0001) but not clinically (0.04 log units) significant only for the DYOP. Duration of the LogMAR exam was significantly (p<0.0001) shorter (13 seconds on average). There were no significant subjective differences between the tests, though 68% of subjects preferred the LogMAR.
Conclusions: LogMAR and DYOP charts are interchangeable for VA based on the mean difference, with acceptable inter- and intra- test repeatability. However, subjects prefer the LogMAR examination, possibly due to its familiarity. Difference in duration of examination was not clinically significant.
מרכזת המחקר לתואר ראשון: ד"ר עינת שניאור